
Homestudy on Wednesday!

Hello! We have our homestudy Wednesday morning! I'm not too nervous but do have a question. Should I have coffee and food available to the social worker? She is coming in the morning. Any input would be helpful!


Re: Homestudy on Wednesday!

  • Hi! I wondered the same thing when we had ours but the ladies on here said none of their SW's ever took anything. We offered ours something to drink and she declined. You could have something ready if you want but the SW might not accept the offer. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had coffee and a cold drink - and some cookies.  She did take some, but not much.  I think it's nice to have coffee and drinks.  But if you don't feel like making something don't - because if they take it they probably won't take much.

    Just relax and do what reflects you best!
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  • I used to do homestudies and was not permitted to accept food or drink from the families.  The rational was that it could be seen as a bribe.  If family A fed me and got approved and family B did not offer me anything and did not get approved it might look like family B hadn't done enough for me to get approved.  Also, family A might expect me to do something for them (like ignore something that was wrong with their home) since they had given me something. 
  • we're adopting from korea. we had 2 homevisits with our SW ( the last one was just a week ago).

      both times i had something ready to offer her, but it was REALLY simple stuff my husband and i would eat anyway ( a pudding pie- made with instant pudding and a store bought pie crust, and some girl scout cookies) but both times when i offered something to her- all she took was a glass of water.

      honestly- its easier said than done- but just relax!!! our visits really were so easy!! we each had to fill out a written questionaire beforehand. our SW said we did such a nice job with them that she didn't really have too much to go over with us. most of the visit was just sitting at our kitchen table talking about vacations and stuff LOL she lives in our town, too so we were talking about good restaurants and stores in the area and that kind of stuff. it was more for her just to meet us and talk to us.

     i spent SOO much time cleaning the house when she came and she pretty much just peeked into each room. our bathroom was being redone, and the future babies room was being used to store all of DHs tools. it looked like a workshop!! she didn't care at all! and when she left after the last visit she goes " now next time i'm here, the house better be a complete mess with kid and baby stuff!" LOL

  • Good luck Wednesday.  I was so nervous and had everything perfect.  I had a banana bread made (for her as well as the homey smell in my house).  She did not take anything and just sat and chatted.  We then went to each room and took a quick look. 

    I would have juice and coffee and something tiny but most likely you will be eating it alone after they leave.


  • Thanks, ladies! I'm new to this board and every time I post something, you ladies have been so helpful to me. Thanks so much!!!!
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