Hi all. I'm new here, and I'm sorry to start out of the gate with this, but something horrible happened to me during IVF and I need help/advice.
We went to a clinic that proved to be a waste of time as the doctor obviously didn't know what he was doing. It was a very traumatic experience for me (meds being what they are and all) and after much research and debate and deliberation, we found a new place that is highly regarded in DC. We went to them.
Prior to egg retrieval they said my bladder was in the way but it wouldn't be a problem. During retrieval, they punctured my bladder. The nurse said, "where's that blood from" and the doctor said, "I need a catheter." I said I didn't want a catheter and he said, "well then you'll have to go to the hospital and get a urine bag for 2 days to rest your bladder." He put the catheter in me against my will and left me strapped to the table for 2 hours. They got my husband who was in the waiting room and when he came in and saw the bag he asked what happened. No one would answer him. I was in and out of twilight and told him and he waited there while they did other procedures and then came back to check my bag.
They told a nurse to remove it after the 2 hours and she tugged and tugged, I screamed and she ran out of the room. Another nurse came back in with her and said "didn't you deflate the ball inside her bladder?" At that point she deflated the ball and I was in hysterics.
Can anyone tell me if this was allowable for the doctor to cath me against my will? If the bladder was in the way on the sono shouldn't they have told me? And if they had to cath me and couldn't get my consent shouldn't they have asked my husband? And what about the nurse who almost destroyed my bladder?
Any help would really be appreciated.
Re: IVF Disaster - Need Help Please
First of all, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.
If I were you, I would document all events in a professional manner and also have your husband do the same. I would also request a copy of your entire file. Then (take a deep breath) and call a lawyer.
Good Luck
This. I am so, so sorry you went through this awful ordeal. Are you okay now? It's entirely plausible that the initial puncture was a honest mistake that couldn't have been easily avoided but everything that happened after that in the way they behaved and treated you sounds inexcusable.
IVF #1 = BFN
FET #1 = BFN
FET #2 = BFN
IVF #2 = BFP, b/g twins lost at 20w due to partial abruption/PPROM
IVF #3 = c/p 5w2d
Long-shot Clomid/Prednisone cycle before next IVF = BFP, our beautiful, healthy girl born 6/26/13!
TTC again March 2014
FET #3 - May/June 2014 - all embryos arrested before xfer - back to the drawing board...
IVF #4 - July/August 2014
I agree with Boston. You should go to a urologist to see if there is any damage. IF there is, then your clinic should be held accountable. Meet with your RE to discuss what went wrong, etc, but just don't go off and hire a lawyer before discussing your options with your husband, RE, and urologist. Lawsuits aren't always the answer to everything. Good luck.
Dx: LPD, underdeveloped follicles, blocked left tube
3 C/P, 1 BO, 1 Ectopic
IVF#1=BFN (3/11)
me 33/DH 36
ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo
~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~
11 IUI’s = 1 m/c (7w4d)
IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFN
Surprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)
IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762
U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160
Stick Frogger Stick! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a Girl, EDD April 7, 2014
Thanks everyone. I do feel better as each day goes on. This was 4 days ago, The day it happened and the 2 days after were horrible. But it was hard to tell which of my aches and pains were from the retrieval and which could be from the puncture. I researched this and it did say a lot of tiny punctures heal on their own. I'm just scared of getting a catheter again if I go to a urologist. And getting to one won't be a quick procedure. My stupid insurance is an HMO, they haven't sent me new cards yet, I don't have a primary care (all insurance changed 4/1/11) and then I would have to get a referral. It could take weeks to get into one, though I did get a good referral.
I feel like something more happened on that table, like I was violated. I think being strapped down and having a cath forced into your bladder against your will has to rank up there with the most humiliating experiences. It appears that physically I'm on the mend, but mentally I'm a wreck. And I'm not a queasy kind of person with ob stuff. I had my cervix biopsied once and my ob and the nurse were shocked I wasn't complaining or in pain. But something feels so so wrong about what they did to me, and I can't get past it.
Yes, transfer is tomorrow, so far. There's just one egg because this was a natural cycle (no meds) so unless they call and say that it didn't divide properly, I assume I go in tomorrow afternoon as scheduled and get the transfer.
I have to be honest, I have no idea how I'm going to go back there. The idea of it is freaking me out. My husband demanded that the other doc in the office do the transfer and they argued with him that the original doc was mine and thus had to do it. He said "she won't come back there if that's her option." The idea of sitting in that chair again, being strapped in, it's really making me shaky.
At everyone's advice here on this thread, I did just call the urgent care place (where my PCP is) and I have an appt tomorrow at 4:30 to get checked out and a referral to a urologist.
Are you still in a lot of pain, regardless of having a primary or a referral you can go to the emergency and they will evaluate and care for you. Yes it will cost the emergency room fee but it should be around $100 and you will get every test you need quickly. If they punctured something you should not just "sit by" and let it hopefully heal. I am in healthcare and also when I was younger was msdx so badly that I almost died from cancer. Medical lawsuits are hard to prove and I wouldn't look at that yet. I would get the care you need. If something was damaged to a point that it cannot be fixed (ex: I have permanent lung damage and ovarian damage from what I went through that wouldn't have happened if they had originally read the chest x ray correctly and would have not gone through the bone marrow transplant I needed because of their negligence).
Get yourself fixed first then if there is an issue quietly go and request all your records from them without tipping them off. I'm sorry you had to go through this!!
Edit for add: I would not talk to this doctor unless you feel comfortable doing it. Is there another doctor/nurse there that can do the procedure? Also is it wise to transfer at this point when you've potentially had something damaging done to yourself? That's another reason why I'd go to the emergency today.
I am so sorry you had this experience. Even if you don't have a physical card, once you have insurance you have an ID/group number which you should be able to print from your online account. You should also be able to immediately access this information verbally, either through your insurance company or through your HR manager. Usually you need your SSN, not your plan number to access the information from member services or online.
You may want to consider freezing your embryo for later transfer if you health may be compromised and you want to avoid going back to that clinic.
Good luck.
I did get the insurance info online and I have an appt tomorrow with a doctor. We thought about freezing, but then the chances are reduced that it thaws properly and is viable. Also, tomorrow is day 5 outside the body, so I'm not sure at what point they would have wanted to freeze.
I'm not sure about talking to the doctor. My husband said he plans to raise all the issues we have serious issues with. I just don't know if I can do IVF again, so I don't want to get stressed out with this last chance on the egg transfer and I don't want to freeze because I'm afraid it will reduce our chances. I should know more tomorrow when they tell me what the egg has done in 5 days, how many cells, etc, and then at least I will have more info.
Even if there is no permanent physical damage, they did a bunch of things I think they never should have done - forcing me to get a cath, not asking my husband for permission and letting a nurse try to pull it out with the saline ball inflated - someone needs to be accountable for those errors I would think.
Two C/P and Lots of Tests
Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
Friends for 15 years. Married 8. TTC since January 2009
2010 Diagnosis: Anovulation and Severe MFI
2011 Treatment:
IVF w/ICSI #1 Antagonist: 2 blasts - c/p - BFN 04.22
FET #1: 1 blast/1 early blast - BFP 06.22 - m/c 06.30 @6w0d
07-11 RPL: MTHFR C677T Heterozygous & Slightly elevated ACLA IgM
FET #2: 1 morula - BFN: 9.02
January '12: IVF #2
Started BCP and Metformin (New!) 12-14 for stimming in January
Dum spiro, spero.
?SAIF/PAIF/PgAL/PAL always welcome?
So sorry for what happened to you. I don't have experience with IVF, and not to minimize the trauma you went through. After not being treated properly by a nurse, I requested that nurse never be able to get my chart again. My sister works in Health Care, and told me this is a completely reasonable request. I understand why YH is so upset, they are the professionals. If you are not comfortable I would demand another doctor and request the 2nd nurse (who seemed to have her head on straight). T&P!!!
"When the world says, 'Give up,' Hope whispers, 'Try one more time.'" -Anonymous
Well keep us up to date! I hope everything works out for you!! Again as someone who has gone through a lawsuit for malpractice wait till you get all your ducks in line before contacting a lawyer. They will want to look at all the evidence and you also have to have proof that there was negligence and it did more harm than good, which can be very hard to prove. I almost didn't have a case and I had an x-ray that was misread as normal with a 8cm tumor on it, by the time it was found it was 22cm *? I fought for 5 years and settled out of court. I've also come across doctor's since then that haven't been "correct" but I have basically "fired" them as a doctor.
There would be no harm in going to talk to someone after you see how you are from the other doctors. Also, write everything down and get copies of your records from this office regardless just in case ( you can say you want them for your "own" file). Just take care of yourself first because you are the most important. I didn't do anything about a case till I was in remission so if you have a case, you do have some time, and you should be more worried about your present health and the possibility of having this fertilized egg turn into a lil one.
Are you voiding ok now? How does your bladder feel? Do you have any blood in your urine? Did they tell you your bladder would heal on its own? Sorry, if this is answered in an above post.
Yikes, I havent had IVF. Im sorry they had to put a catheter in against your will and had to strap you down but probably felt it was medically necessary. Im not sure they would have had to get consent from your husband to do that.. you sign consent for IVF right? But the doc def should have gone out to the waiting room to let him know what happened!
And that nurse is a dumbass for not deflating the balloon. I would have been beside myself if that happened to me!
OMG! I am so sorry that you went through this! I'm surprised you were awake for the transfer? I thought they put you completly under? Maybe it depends on the clinic?
I agree with all the other posters:
Out of curiosity . . . let me get this straight?
Sorry, I want to understand the order of events. Im also going to a well known / respected RE in Baltimore / DC area. Would you mind PMing me to tell me the RE(s) and clinic(s) that you've gone to and where this horrible thing happend at.
Fingers are crossed that your transfer goes well! Keep us posted!
My Journey to Motherhood
Me 36, DH 42
7.5 years of TTC ... It never gets any easier.
Baby Girl # 1
TTC Since January 2009
Reproductive Endocrinologist diagnosed us "Unexplained Infertility".
After 3 years . . . 3 IUIs . . . and 3 IVFs . . . our miracle GIRL arrived on August 6, 2012.
Baby Girl # 2
TTC Since June 2013
Got pregnant on our own without Fertility Treatments - January 2016! Thank you snow storm Jonas!
EDD 10/15/16
At 20-week anatomy scan found IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction), and very low Amniotic Fluid. Now, I'm High Risk and have weekly ultrasounds to monitor fluid and growth. If baby runs out of room or is too growth restricted, they will deliver ASAP. My current goal is to make it to 28 weeks!