Cloth Diapering

bumboo on babysteals

Anyone have experience with these diapers?
image 30 y/o with PCOS HSG normal, SA essentially normal (slightly low morph but good # and motility) 50 mg; 100 mg Clomid...nada; 150 mg Clomid...zilch 1/10 Injectable cycle with Gonal-F, Ovidrel, and TI.....Beta 2/22...BFN 2/10 Injectable cycle with Gonal-F and Follistim (long story), Ovidrel..BFN 4/10 Injectable cycle (see above). BFP but early m/c 5w5d. 5/10 Break cycle due to BFC (Big Fat Cyst)...darn it all 6/10 Injectable cycle +IUI...BFN 7/10 Injectable cycle + IUI.....BFP!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: bumboo on babysteals

  • imageQuiltingBee:
    Anyone have experience with these diapers?


    I do not, but I just want to say congrats on being full term. Looks like you've had a long road!  Best of luck!

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  • Thanks ladies.  I'll read up on the reviews.  Right now we have a stash of prefolds and covers ready to go, but I'm trying to get an idea of what I may want to try later to round out the stash for certain situations (sleep, travel, DC, etc). 
    image 30 y/o with PCOS HSG normal, SA essentially normal (slightly low morph but good # and motility) 50 mg; 100 mg Clomid...nada; 150 mg Clomid...zilch 1/10 Injectable cycle with Gonal-F, Ovidrel, and TI.....Beta 2/22...BFN 2/10 Injectable cycle with Gonal-F and Follistim (long story), Ovidrel..BFN 4/10 Injectable cycle (see above). BFP but early m/c 5w5d. 5/10 Break cycle due to BFC (Big Fat Cyst)...darn it all 6/10 Injectable cycle +IUI...BFN 7/10 Injectable cycle + IUI.....BFP!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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