Cloth Diapering

Kissaluv's Q: Fitteds vs. Contours?

I have both, and it seems like the contours are actually more absorbent than the fitteds. Has anyone else thought this, too? 
Also, WWYD with a bunch of microfleece inserts you didn't want / need. I didn't realize one came free with each cover I ordered and I don't think I need them. But they're so cheap I can't imagine it's even worth it to resell and ship to someone? 
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Re: Kissaluv's Q: Fitteds vs. Contours?

  • advertise on Creig's List offering the inserts dirt cheep or even free. Some local CDing mom could probably use them. There is also diaper swappers (I think that is right) they have a board selling diapers etc for shipping price only. Or see if there is a CD foundation in your area to donate to, or if a hospital offers CDing to their infant inpatients to donate them to.

    I can't answer your first question though because have a bunch of home made fitted's and no contours, plus I haven't started CDing as baby isn't due for a month as of yet.

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