Cloth Diapering

My mom used bleach on my diapers!

Ugh, my mom used Green Works non-chlorine bleach on a load of my diapers and now I cannot get the smell out. Whenever LO pees it reeks of ammonia! Is there anything I can do? I've tried stripping with Dawn and no luck. Please don't tell me they're ruined...there was like 10 diapers in the load!


Re: My mom used bleach on my diapers!

  • Just rinse - a lot. I use bleach on my diapers occasionally b/c my diapers get horrid ammonia stink if i don't and I haven't found a detergent that fully works to get rid of the smell.
  • What kinds of diapers were in that load? If there were MF inserts, you could boil them and that helps get rid of ammonia build up. You could try using RLR in the load. I would also run a few hot washes with no detergent. I think you should be able to fix them.
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