
Deleted (vent)

Thank you all. I deleted the post for privacy but kept the responses. I appreciate them.
Annalise Marie 05.29.06
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13

Re: Deleted (vent)

  • I really feel your pain. I have one of those but its not as bad and there are no kids or wives involved. I can't do it anymore. The toll it was taking on me mentally wasn't worth it. I don't bother anymore. I can't help someone who doesn't want help or think they need help.

    Its really tough. I'm really sorry for your family. In your shoes, I'd probably take the girls in but I don't know that I could continue on that rollercoaster with him.

  • Hugs.  I typed out an entire response, but ultimately, there is nothing to be said that you don't already know.  I hate addiction.
  • Loading the player...
  • Addiction is just the worst. I'm sorry.
  • I also know what it's like dealing with someone you love and their addiction, but I can't even imagine how hard it is for you to take this burden on when there are two children involved.  I'll keep you all in my prayers.  I hope you guys can come up with a solution for the children soon.
  • (((hugs))) I'm so sorry for what your family is going through. 

    Isabella Sophia 10/1/2006 Photobucket "little miss Avocado
  • imagejoseysbride:
    I also know what it's like dealing with someone you love and their addiction, but I can't even imagine how hard it is for you to take this burden on when there are two children involved.  I'll keep you all in my prayers.  I hope you guys can come up with a solution for the children soon.

    I agree with this.  The parents of those children have really blown it, and those kids will pay for the choices their parents made for the rest of their lives.

    I grew up with an addict (father, alcoholic) and in my years have gone through many emotions, many different views of his addiction and how it affected me (and the rest of my family).  I continue to live with his legacy, and he's been dead for 10 years.

    Frankly I am surprised that the parents are permitted any access to those kids given what you have described.

    I am sorry your brother has chosen drugs over life. 

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I'm so sorry.  I have zero experience, so I can't really offer any advice.  

    About the kids, though....I don't think you or your sister should feel obligated to take them.  I think your parents probably feel obligated, but they deserve the grandparent role, not the parent role.  As hard as it would be, maybe you could research an open adoption....maybe there could be a schedule where your parents/sis/you could remain in their life, but not have the daily responsibility.  One of my cousin's adopted children came to her at 10 weeks old, after mom got arrested. Baby C was in a drug house, drinking a bottle of chunky milk (no clue what was really in it).  My cousin and her family spends a week each summer in FL with C's bio grandparents and his 2 half-sisters.  They really have a great relationship - they send cards/pics, they call.  He has a great life now, and still has his bio family connections.  

    Hugs to you and your family.  I hope that somehow there are some changes to ease your stress and hurt.  


  • I'm sorry your going through this. My BIL is currently fresh out of rehab and up to his old games (oh the stories I have) The children part is hard. Personally I would do what I can for them as long as it worked for my family. Having grown up with a father who had addiction problems I can tell you that your brother is no where near changing. The thing that got me through with my father...have no expectations and maybe one day be pleasantly surprised.
  • All I can offer is (((hugs))). How incredibly stressful.
  • You know I can relate, it is so frustrating, I know. PM me of you ever need someone to talk to, it always helps being able to talk to someone who knows what you;re going through.
    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
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