Okay, I am a momma who is slowly moving back to these boards after a LONG stint on diaperswappers (I got hooked on their message boards and all the great mommas there, but now I have migrated all those moms to facebook).
I love my system of cloth diapering, we use prefolds (GMDs) and covers (thirsties duos). Does ANYONE on this board use a simple system? I seem to see alot of "fancy stash" on here. No offense meant in any way - I would have a fancy stash if I could afford it.
Just wondering if there were "cheapo" CD moms on here.
Re: Does anyone...
we will start CD'ing a few weeks after our LO is born when she will fit into her infant prefolds and OS Pockets. Our stash is nothing extreme.
17 Prefolds and 9 covers with 15 moderately priced pockets in the mix. I will add to it later on when we see what we prefer more.
PG#1 - 3rd cycle BFP. Team Green. HELLP syndrome @ 34 weeks.
Later diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, possible link to HELLP.
PG#2 M/C 3/14 - Surprise BFP 2/13. Beta's doubled every 52 hours from 3w5d-5w5d
Viable pregnancy scan at 5w5d; 2nd u/s showed 2 days of growth in 7 but a HB of 120
3rd u/s on 3/10/14 had no HB and baby had only grown 7 days over 14
D&C 3/17/14 - complications - DX Retroflexed uterus, multiple tears to cervix
All Welcome
Hi from another CFL mama!
I have a mixed stash including some PFs. I have only used them 2 or 3 times so I don't feel nearly as comfortable with them as I do my AI2s.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi since we're neighbors. =-)
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
A Frog, A Monkey and a Ladybug