I am just about to head off to bed, but thought that waking up to a post like this might help me smile tomorrow. So, feel free to post a joke that you think will help make someone laugh today!
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What do you have when you have 2 little green balls in your hands?
Kermit by the balls!!!
Dx: DH - Azoo, Me - Mild PCOS
DH - sperm found! Seems to produce only for a few days every 70 days! Over 1 million in cryo in 15 vials over 6 samples
IVF #1 - 1 beautiful expanded blast transferred, 4 snowbabies - beta #1 11/30/11 = BFFN
FET #1, transfered 2 embies 2/16/12 = BFFN; 1 snowbaby left in cryo
IVF #2 + CGH = 4 genetically normal embies on ice. FET September 26th
SAIF/PAIF always welcome
a special GL and prayers to my IF sister Gregermis
Ten top ways to tell if Martha Stewart is stalking your dog
10. There's potpourri hanging from his/her collar.
9. The dog's nails have been cut with pinking shears.
8. The dog toys are all stored in McCoy crocks.
7. The pooper scooper has been decorated with raffia bows.
6. That telltale lemon slice in the new silver water bowl.
5. You find liver and whole wheat dog treats stamped out with copper cookie cutters and decorated with royal icing using a #2 rosette tip.
4. Dog hair has been collected and put into wire baskets for nesting material for the birds.
3. A seasonally appropriate grapevine wreath adorns the front of your dog's crate.
2. Your dog goes outside naked and comes in wearing a thyme colored virgin wool hand-knitted sweater with matching boots.
1. The dog droppings in your backyard have been sculpted into swans.
TTC since 11/09
Two C/P and Lots of Tests
Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
Re: Jokes Please
What do you have when you have 2 little green balls in your hands?
Kermit by the balls!!!
Dx: DH - Azoo, Me - Mild PCOS
DH - sperm found! Seems to produce only for a few days every 70 days!
Over 1 million in cryo in 15 vials over 6 samples
IVF #1 - 1 beautiful expanded blast transferred, 4 snowbabies - beta #1 11/30/11 = BFFN
FET #1, transfered 2 embies 2/16/12 = BFFN; 1 snowbaby left in cryo
IVF #2 + CGH = 4 genetically normal embies on ice. FET September 26th
SAIF/PAIF always welcome
a special GL and prayers to my IF sister Gregermis
check out my blog!
A bear and a rabbit are taking a shiit in the woods.
the bear turns to the rabbit and says, "Do you have a problem with shiit sticking to your fur?"
The rabbit says no.
So the bear wipes his asss with the rabbit.
1/11: IUI #2 = 5mg Femara + trigger + IUI = BFN
2/11: IUI #3 = injectibles + trigger + IUI = BFN
IVF #1 April 2011 ER 4/23 w/16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fert., 4 blasts to freeze, 5dt of 2 blasts on 4/28, beta #1 5/7 = 243... beta #2 5/9 = 491....beta #3 5/11 = 1113!!
my blog
Ten top ways to tell if Martha Stewart is stalking your dog
10. There's potpourri hanging from his/her collar.9. The dog's nails have been cut with pinking shears.
8. The dog toys are all stored in McCoy crocks.
7. The pooper scooper has been decorated with raffia bows.
6. That telltale lemon slice in the new silver water bowl.
5. You find liver and whole wheat dog treats stamped out with copper cookie cutters and decorated with royal icing using a #2 rosette tip.
4. Dog hair has been collected and put into wire baskets for nesting material for the birds.
3. A seasonally appropriate grapevine wreath adorns the front of your dog's crate.
2. Your dog goes outside naked and comes in wearing a thyme colored virgin wool hand-knitted sweater with matching boots.
1. The dog droppings in your backyard have been sculpted into swans.
Two C/P and Lots of Tests
Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
I always love this one.
2/10 & 3/10 Clomid 50mg-BFN
5/10-Lap Surgery for Stage 2 Endo
3/11-IUI#1 with Follistim and Menopur-developed mild OHSS= BFN
6/11-IUI#2 with Follistim -developed moderate OHSS= BFN!
7/11-FSH-11, AMH 1.6
9/11-ttc naturally with positive thoughts
10/6/11-POSITIVE pregnancy test!!! 15dpo BETA-220
6/14/2012- Riley Harper arrived!! We love our little girl
<a href="http://s532.photobucket.com/albums/ee324/exploshidad/?action=view
Moving forward with Adoption 2017!