Health & Exercise

exercise during 3rd tri

what kind of exercise are you ladies still doing? I was in excellent shape prior to becoming pregnant so I get a little agitated when I get the judging looks when people hear that I am "still working out". Pregnancy is not an excuse to gorge yourself with junkfood and sit on your ass for 9 months (I'm sorry I just had to get that off of my chest).

anywho...I've been doing a modified version of p90x - leaving out the ab ripper of course and the pull ups then replacing plyo with the "hot mama's prenatal workout" and yoga with "suzanne bowen's long and lean workout" and doing about 20-30 minutes on the elliptical or walking my dogs 1-3 miles daily. now that I'm on my last month of p90x and getting farther along in my pregnancy I am looking for what to do next that is still challenging but not strenuous or as time consuming as my energy is dwindling by the day. any ideas or suggestions?

Re: exercise during 3rd tri

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    I was running daily for 6+ miles until 40 weeks, doing abs and weights a few times a week too. I sometimes got the strange looks when I was running and obviously pregnant, and that annoyed me too. I naturally slowed down the pace but really enjoyed being active, and I had such an easy L&D, and recovery (ran a full marathon 2 months after birth). I plan to do the same with this baby.
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    While I am not doing my pre-pregnancy workout schedule, I am still very active.

    I run 2-3x/week but only 2-4 miles at a time right now (used to do around 30 miles per week).

    Pre-natal Yoga 1x/week

    Spin Class 1x/week

    Cardio/Weight group fitness class 2-3x/week

    My running pace has decreased signficantly (9:00 to 10:30ish pace.) I have to watch my step and slow down in the group fitness classes a little bit more but still lifting pretty heavy weights and doing most of the high impact moves. 

    As long as you do what feels comfortable and listen to your body you will be fine.  And ignore the comments from people who either have no idea what they are talking or are jealous that they couldn't/aren't working out so far along into your pregnancy.  You are doing good for both you and baby. 


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    I'm afraid I'm down to yoga, lap swimming, and walking. I did lift weights until about week 32, but then I had a work trip that forced a break and I decided to just call it. I'm sore enough.

    I do loooove being in the pool. It feels great.

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    For all of my pg's I've ran, attended spin class, swam and did elliptical up till I gave birth.  Do what feels right for you.  If you are feeling tired or in pain just cut back.
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    I taught Bodycombat until I was 40 weeks and Bodypump until I was 41 weeks (had DS at 41 weeks, 3 days).  I modified some exercises (did chest, triceps and abs on an inclined bench).

    I also did the elliptical, hiked, walked, skied, snowshoed, etc.

    Just listen to your body!!

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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    I ran until 30 weeks, then the pounding was too much for me.  So I hiked instead.

     I skied, and ski mountaineered until one week before I delivered.  I looked like a snowman in my ski clothes.

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