Baby Names

Newspaper Winners

Serenity Rayne

Hunter Grace

Nevaeh Lea 

Nevaeh Grace (mom's name is Britnay)

Carleigh Rayne

Kambyr Graice

Amasia-Jae Frances 

Whayatte Mickle 

Nevaeh Mae 

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Re: Newspaper Winners

  • Oh no ! Too bad they didn't know about this board. Crying

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • Wtf is Mickle? Is that Michael or is that pickle with a "m"

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  • Whyatte Mickle? The rest of the names look stupid, this looks like the parents are stupid.

    ETA... Who am I kidding? All of these names make the parents look stupid!

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  • I like Carly...just not Carleigh. But the rest are awful. Just awful.
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  • Hunter for a girl, must be unisex like Tyler! (ok still annoyed)

    3 Nevaehs is win.


  • Whayatte Mickle Seriously?!?! The others are horrible but what the heck is this???? Im guessing Wyatt Michael?

    Nevaeh x 3 is a heart attack waiting to happen.

  • imageHoneydew1894:

    Serenity Rayne

    Hunter Grace-- A girl named Hunter?? Indifferent

    Nevaeh Lea 

    Nevaeh Grace (mom's name is Britnay)-- I LOL'd saying "BRIT-NAY" aloud.

    Carleigh Rayne -- Can I tell you how cruel it is to name a child after a meteorlogical event?

    Kambyr Graice -- How Youneek and Cr8tiv!

    Amasia-Jae Frances -- I'm going to assume this has a cultural signficance, so it's kind of cool.

    Whayatte Mickle -- I don't even know what to say about this.

    Nevaeh Mae -- 3 Nevaeh's?? Awful minds think alike...

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