
How long do contrax last?

Today is my day for stupid questions :) Im sure this varies.. but on average how long do contractions normally last? I tried to google but didn't really get an answer. I had one that lasted a few minutes, is that about right?

I'm not having them on any type of regularity though, I just thought they normally lasted only a minute.


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Re: How long do contrax last?

  • the "false" contractions i had for weeks lasted around 45-60 secs. my real labor contractions were more like 60-90. i hear that's not the norm though and most real labor contractions are closer to 2 minutes?
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  • Anywhere from 30-45 seconds on the short end up to 2.5+ minutes.  During a NST I had one literally last about 5 minutes (it was a non painful BH, but was really uncomfortable to be lasting that long).
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