Homebirth VBAC's - come in, please!

None of the homebirth VBAC midwives in the area are in-network with my insurance (or any insurance, for that matter, from my understanding).  I'm just curious if any of you have been successful in getting your insurance to cover your homebirth MW at in-network status?

Re: Homebirth VBAC's - come in, please!

  • Hi!  I'm planning a birth center birth with a CNM which makes insurance a tiny bit trickier too.  While there are in network birth centers/CNMs approved in other cities on my plan, there are none in my area.  My midwife is working on a contract with my insurance so I am hoping I'll get to pay in network instead of out of network.  Even if I paid out of network, it would still be a cost savings over an in network hospital delivery for me. 

    There was a post the other day on the natural birth board involving insurance.  Most moms thought the experience of homebirth or birth center outweighed the additional cost of having to go out of network.  That's how I feel, but I also hope to get my insurance to get in gear and pay the max for the birth.  It's only fair...but as we know, insurance companies aren't always fair.

    If you get anywhere I'd be curious to know what worked!

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  • I'm going out of network and had no luck getting things covered in network.

    The insurance company told us to talk to the person who handles the insurance stuff at my husband's work.  So we spoke to her and she was basically like "well this is your choice and we're not covering it."  

    So supposedly they are paying the out of network percentage after we meet our deductible.  Which is not great but better than nothing--it's still going to work out to be around $1000 or so.  We'll see if they actually pay it though.


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