
Intro - 22w 5d little miracle

Hi everyone - I was posting on my month board until March 11 when my water broke unexpectedly - I gave birth that same day to my beautiful daughter Madison.  She was 22 weeks and 5 days - weighed 1 pound and 4 oz.  The doctors tried to stop my labor every way they could but she just couldnt wait to be born.  Later we discovered i had an infection of my placenta and membranes that caused my water to break.  Madison is now one month old (27 weeks) and fighting the good fight.  She has grade II bleeds, an open PDA and is still intubated.  All in all we are grateful that she isnt in worse health.  We were very lucky that she was large for her gestational age and was born in better condition then they would have expected from a 22 weeker.  We are also in a top notch NICU and her care has been wonderful.  I spend 10-12 hours in the NICU with her right now, soon I will have to go back to work part time - It has been the most difficult 4 weeks of my life - and the most wonderful to be able to see her grow and hit milestones like opening her eyes.  I was so glad to find that the bump had a preemies board.  I can use all the support I can get right now.  I know nothing worth having comes easy - but this is all a test I wasnt prepared for. 
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Re: Intro - 22w 5d little miracle

  • Oh my, she is a fighter.  I wish both of you good luck in the days, weeks and months to come.  Stay strong momma and I'm so sorry you have to go back to work soon.

    Huge hugs.

    This board is very welcoming and there are some amazing moms and stories on this board too.

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  • Congratulations to you and your little miracle!  She sounds like a true little fighter!  Please keep us updated on her progress!

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  • Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Praying for your little fighter in the next few months. Please keep us posted.



  • Congrats and welcome.  I look forward to getting to know you.
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  • Congratulations and welcome. I pray your LO continues to do so well, and has as few bumps in her NICU stay as possible.
  • Wow! Congrats and welcome
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  • Wow! What a little a fighter! My 25 weekers were also 1lbs 3 oz and 1lbs 4 oz! I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. My girls both had grade II bleeds and PDAs so if can help answer any questions please let me know :)
    3 miscarriages, Infertility, & Premature Birth Abigail and Adalynn born @ 25w1d Lilypie Second Birthday tickers FAQ: Resources for New NICU Moms
    FAQ: My Friend Just Had a Preemie, How Can I Help?
  • Welcome to the board. Keeping my mind on the milestones helped me a lot when DD was in the NICU. There are a great group of mom her, so I'm sure you will find lots of support. Welcome again.
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  • Wow!  Welcome.  I hope your NICU stay is as smooth as possible.  22 weeks.  Medical science is really amazing.
  • Wow! Congratulations Mama! Hang in there, it is a tough journey, but sounds like you got a fighter ;) You are so Blessed! What a little miracle! Enjoy your time with your baby girl. T&Ps and Hugs!!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Follow Me on Pinterest blog:
  • Congrats on the birth of your LO! Sounds like you have a little fighter there!
  • Welcome and congratulations!! Like others have said you have a little fighter! So glad to hear that you like the nicu she is at- it makes a huge difference.  I loved the nurses my ds had too!  Keep us posted- we all understand!!
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  • Congrats and welcome to the board. I've found so, so much help and reassurance here. The NICU is so tough, but you can do this. Come and ask questions or vent here anytime. You and your daughter will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congratulations! I hope she continues to do well. My preemie Madison was born March 18th. Best of luck and hoping for a good NICU stay.
    TTC#1 since 12/06 1st IVF w ICSI: 6/14/10 -- BFP!...low beta... chemical preg. 2nd IVF = August 19 16 -- 18 eggs September 2- BFP! September 16th - TWINS! Due May 9th Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image image Visit The Nest!
  • Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Madison! This is a very supportive group and we look forward to getting to know you better and hearing updates about Madison. It does sound like she is a tough little fighter! I hope her NICU stay is as uneventful as possible. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
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  • congrats and welcome!

    T&P for your little girl.  She sounds like quite the fighter!

     FWIW my son had a grade 2 and grade 4 IVH and he's doing pretty well now.  He's 2 yrs old and running around, social, fun, cute, and getting into lots of trouble :-) He does have some delays, but, we're working through them with some therapy. 



  • Oh my goodness - your daughter is indeed a miracle! I'm glad to hear she's doing well, given her circumstances. You seem to have a fighter on your hands. Welcome to the board!
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  • Thank you all so much for your kind words - as soon as I find time I'll post a photo or two in my siggy - I can tell that preemie moms are special people :)
    image image imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I just said this on another post:

    God challenges those He expects the most of!

    Congratulations on the birth of your fighter!! We have some special babies! May God continue to bless and keep your baby girl close to Him. Come here anytime you want to vent or seek support.

  • Congratulations on your little miracle.  T&P that she continues to thrive and get better!!  Good luck.


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  • Congratulations to you on your beautiful girl and best of luck to her and your little family!
  • Congratulations on your little miracle.  Nothing can prepare you for being a preemie parent but having the support of other preemie parents can make a huge difference.  T&P for your little fighter. 
    image Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Wow and welcome! You have one tough little girl there, and I am so glad to hear she is doing well!
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