Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

best paper for finger paint?

Is there a certain kind of paper that is best for finger painting? I'm hoping to find something about 9.5/11 or smaller as I want to mail some to out of town family as gifts...I'm guessing I need to buy the thicker stuff, right?
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Re: best paper for finger paint?

  • I haven't tried yet but I am guessing thicker paper would be less likely to get the wrinkled look that thinner paper does. Art supply aisles tend to have paper for water color paints - I don't know about pricing though but you can buy pads of it in various sizes, even all the way down to post card size, and I guess it depends on what kind of paint your LO is using and how watery it is. 

    I am planning on just using regular art paper (maybe like manilla paper) or construction paper for now. Easily purchased at Walmart or Target since it's nothing special...

  • I use cardstock for fingerpainting.  It doesn't rip like other paper. 
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