
Who else detests mornings?

I know eclairs does.

Who else?

Gah.   I just want to sleep IN.  

Working and a kid really get in the way of that. :P
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Re: Who else detests mornings?

  • Sleep

    I have never been a morning person.  My family warned my dh when we got married to give me a half hour to myslef when I wake up because I can be a grouch.  I don't know how I got such a morning kid.  Ds is up beween 5:45-6.  When I was a kid my mom could barely drag me out of bed at 10 (later as a teen).

    Hate mornings.

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  • I slept in the toddler bed with DS last night because I had a sitter last night who didn't get him to eat (gave him food, but he didn't eat it) or give him his supplement, so he was hungry.  DH didn't tell me that until 6am, after 3 wakings.  I got home at midnight.  Yep, I am in the I hate morning camp today. 
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  • Me!  I've never been a morning person.
  • me!  Kaitlyn will.not.get.up.  The other 2 are sitting and eating, every morning DH has to lift Kaitlyn off the top bunk, then she'll plop on the floor.  It ends up being 15 minutes before we have to leave for school that she actually gets dressed.  She then has to eat really fast, and she constantly whines about it.  Well Kailtyn if you would get up right away, you wouldn't have to rush. 
  • ME! Waking up is like torture to me!
  • Me.  You would think that with a DH, I would be able to sleep in once in a while - but no.  I have to rally DS to get ready on his own and work for one of my clients at the same time while DH sleeps until the buzzer goes off 5 min before he has to leave.   And on the 3 days he doesn't work, he sleeps until 10 because he's up so late the night before just farting around.    I'm lucky that DS sleeps until 7 and is pretty self sufficient in the morning.  I just wish DH acted more like an adult than a 16 yr old.  Then again, if he wakes up earlier, that's just asking for moreshit I'll have to put away and pick up after.  Sorry - rough morning at chez joy.


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • I would still sleep til 11 or noon if I could.
  • Me!!  I woke up late this morning and I ran around the house like a mad woman.  I forgot essentially everything I needed for class today.  Ugh.

    Bonus: I just noticed I have a huge run in my tights. 

  • I have never been a morning person. It's almost 10:30 and I'm still bleary-eyed and want to punch someone.

  • ME! I would jump up and down and raise my hand, but it's still 9:00 a.m. Technically morning.

    DS & I are both not morning people, so first I have to get my whiny self out of bed and ready, and then drag DS's whiny butt out of bed. If we get there within 10 min of my supposed start time, I count it a successful morning.

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  • i don't mind the mornings so much, but I hate having to be somewhere at a certain time first thing in the am. 
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Mornings are beautiful... If I can enjoy them from the comfort of my warm bed.
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