Potty Training

DD just isn't feeling the need to go in the potty

She'll be 4 in July...and we have her sit on the potty 3-4 times a day. We never force her,and always encourage it. But,she has always gone in the pull-up.There have been a few times when she's had success in the potty,but it has been extremely sporadic. I've tried stickers,1-2 M & M's to no success. How can I get her to figure out potty needs to go in the toilet,not the diaper? (Oh, forgot to say I go in the am with her so she sees me do it.)

Re: DD just isn't feeling the need to go in the potty

  • Have you tried no pull-up at all...just underwear?  To many kids, a pull-up feels just like a diaper, so they go in it.  Be prepared for some clean up, but I would try getting rid of the pull-up all together (minus naps and bed time).  My neighbor's DD went with nothing on the bottom for a few days and that worked for her.  We went straight to undwerwear (minus night time).   GL!
    DD~6 years old~born June 6, 2008 (1st grade)
    DS~4 years old~born November 6, 2010 (1st year of preschool)
  • Not yet...I'm waiting for warmer weather so she can run around outside and have her accidents...I guess that's the only thing that will get things to click.
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  • I would ditch the pull ups.  Put some underwear on her or let her run around naked at home.  Keep rags and such handy for accidents.  As soon as you see her starting to go take her straight to the toilet.  Tell her this is where she needs to potty now.  Stay consistent and it will eventually click.  Yes, it is a pain to clean up the accidents but she probably has to have them to realize what she needs to do.  Right now the pull up is her safety net so she probably has no desire to change that.
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