We are home!
We went to room-in Monday morning and were told we might need to stay a few nights b/c Scarlette has a lot of equipment that came home with her. So we had packed for a lengthy stay. But then yesterday afternoon they said "She's been here 5 months and 5 days and tonight you are taking her home" and we were so shocked and excited!
We're on a continuous feeding tube at night, + monitor + suction machine. It's better than I thought it would be. She pretty much only wakes up once at night b/c she isn't hungry due to the feeding tube but I have to wake up a lot to refill the pump and give her meds. But our first night and today went really well. She has home nursing visits and she gained 3oz since yesterday so that was good.
Thanks for the recommendations on the Fisher Price inclined sleeper- she has slept SO well in it, better than the night in the NICU crib I think.
So from 1lb 8.6oz and 156 days later, we are home. It feels amazing.
It was a little sad leaving though, I've been there all day, every day for five months. I love those nurses. And how do you ever adequately thank the people who saved your daughter's life? I was standing there trying to say goodbye and crying so hard because they are the reason Scarlette is still here and there is no way to show them what that means to me.
But I am elated to be home.
Oh, and pictures here if you want to see!
Re: We are HOME!
Congratulations! It is so wonderful to be home. I know what you mean about being sad to leave the nicu behind. That is exactly how I felt and I sort of felt bad for feeling that way. It was supposed to be so happy- and it was- but I was sad too. I am at the hospital somewhat often for different appts so that has helped. Whenever I am there we stop by to see our nurses and others in the nicu. I also e-mail with my favorite nurse regularly and send her new pictures of my LO.
Your blog is neat too- super cute pictures!
congrats!!!! So happy for you.
LOVE the pics. Your LO is so cute (and you are gorgeous btw)
1998 Ovarian Cancer Survivor. 7 Miscarriages: 6w, 13w2d, 4w2d, 7w4d (DD's twin), 5w. Failed Tubal after c/s (!!): 5w2d, 6w4d
What a powerful question! Congrats on bringing her home!