Cloth Diapering

Prefolds vs AIOs

I see a lot of people use AIOs on this board.

I was actually thinking of using prefolds and covers the whole time.  I will be a first timer so I'm not sure how this will work in actual practice...(and very open to suggestions to do otherwise).

Anybody just use prefolds and covers exclusively?

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Re: Prefolds vs AIOs

  • Well, for the NB stage we used PFs and KL0s. Now we use PFs during the day and fitteds at night. (FWIW, we also had a variety of pockets. I'm in the process of selling all of them but 2. We rarely use them.)

    So yes, you can totally use just PFs. (We would use them at night if J. wasn't a super pee-er.)
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  • I'd say we do about 50% prefolds/covers and 50% pockets.  We're moving more towards pockets as DS gets older, partly because they're easier for other people (like my MIL and SIL) to use, and partly because I didn't buy as many prefolds in a size that fit him now.  I like them both, and use them differently.

    I'd say from what I've heard that the major disadvantages of prefolds are that other people can find them confusing, and that once LO becomes mobile they can be more challenging to put on (I've heard from a couple of people that once LO starts crawling, sometimes you wind up putting the diaper on them as fast as possible while they try to get away).  I'm planning to keep using our PFs as long as possible, and do have toddler-sized ones.  I just don't think we're going to do it exclusively.

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  • I use prefolds about 75% of the time, the other part I use fitteds and pockets. 

    I like prefolds, I use the jelly roll fold. 

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  • imagebarnwife:
    Well, for the NB stage we used PFs and KL0s. Now we use PFs during the day and fitteds at night. (FWIW, we also had a variety of pockets. I'm in the process of selling all of them but 2. We rarely use them.)

    So yes, you can totally use just PFs. (We would use them at night if J. wasn't a super pee-er.)

    This, exactly.  We discovered that no matter how much we were able to stuff our pockets, we ended up with leaks.  For a long time (until 9 months or so?) we were able to double PF at night and it worked.  Right now, fitteds are the only way we get through the night with dry sheets.

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  • Thank you for the input!  As always, you ladies are full of great info!  I think I am definitely going to buy some AIOs to try out when LO gets a little older!
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