Hi Ladies,
I know that I have a little while before this is an actuality for me but in the case that I need to have a C-sec I am just wondering how I go about letting the nurses know that I want to breastfeed the babies, versus having them get bottles while I am still in recovery.
i.e. my questions are:
1. Did you make a "birth plan" vs just let your OB and RN's know your wishes???
2. Do they allow you to attempt to breastfeed while you are in recovery (if so, was it painful to sit upright?) Did you attempt tandem feeding?
3. Did having a C-sec delay your milk "coming in"? If so, did you ask for a lactaction consultant to see you in the hospital or start pumping while still in the hospital after each feeding?
With DS#1 breastfeeding was NOT a success (despite multiple tears, trips to lactation consultants, using Reglan, eating oatmeal, etc..., and I ended up EP'ing for 6+ mos which was a lot of work). I would like to give this time a'round the best shot from the beginning.
Any advice/suggestions/experiences are greatly appreciated
Re: For those of you that had C-sec...BF'ing question?
1) Here's my birth plan. A lot of my requests have to do with establishing bfing.
2) yes and yes. With 3 people helping. I couldn't sit up, just inclined a bit. They actually nursed really well in recovery.
3) About the same as my vag birth with DS.
I used a SNS in the hospital b.c my little guy was a "lazy nurser." If I had to supplement, I wanted it to come from the boob. I think it helped a lot. Also, the advantage to having twins for me was the good nurser helped bring my milk in faster and also triggered the letdown for his brother to learn to nurse.
I didn't have a formal birth plan. I wasn't even expecting a c/s--I was induced for a vag delivery but my girls decided to have other plans...
I didn't nurse in recovery but I did as soon as I was wheeled down to my room. I nursed them separately--when I tried to tandem (the lac. asst. was there w/ me), it was just overwhelming so I figured I'd give each of them a shot separately. I ended up EP'ing as I didn't want to nurse one (who did great w/ it) and not the other (latching issues).
No issues whatsoever with c/s effecting the milk production. I nursed in the hospital and when I was released a few days later, I had to supplement a little but soon was fully supplied. I just made sure to nurse frequently so my body got the message that I needed that milk.
GL! I am with you in hoping to be able to BF this pg! I'm only having a singleton this time but I would love to exclusively BF if possible. I loathed EP'ing!!
1) No birth plan, can't remember if I told the nurses before hand that I planned on BFing.
2) BFing was the first thing that I did when the babies were brought to me in the recovery room and I did a tandem feeding.
3) I saw a lactation consultant and she was very helpful with showing me how to properly use my EZ2 nurse pillow. My DD was also very close to losing 10% of her birth weight, so she had me pump just in case the doctors suggested I supplement. The theory was that I could supplement with my own BM, not formula but I didn't end up having to. The C-section had no effect on my supply.
Good luck
No advice but thanks for the post and CONGRATS, I didn't remember/know you were having twins!!
PS you're almost to bronze! Get that bling girl!
1. Nope- never saw the need for one. In my paperwork they asked if I was BF and I said yes. So the card on the girls bassinet said "I'm a breastfed girl!" After I was moved from recovery to my room they brought the girls in within minutes and I nursed when they arrived.
2. I couldn't have spelled breastfeeding in recovery. I was so loopy. I needed the hour to recover and come out of the haze.
3. I nursed as best I could the first night (my c/s was at 4 pm), and saw a LC first thing the next morning. I only started pumping in the hospital the fourth day because thhey ended up in the NICU the third day and we realized they wouldn't be coming home right away. HOWEVER, the day after my c/s I should have pumped after each feeding. I got trapped into supplementing and didn't know any better. I was never able to come out of it.
1. I did not make a birth plan but I let everyone I came in contact with know, almost down tot he janitor, that I didn't want my babies getting bottles. Probably wasn't necessary to tell everyone, but I wanted it to be known.
2. My first time BFing was in recovery and was tandem. They put something in my epidural so for the 24 hours after the c-section I wasn't in much pain ever.
3. I don't think there was any delay. It took a couple days. My personal advice is to nurse, nurse, nurse and don't worry about pumping. The babies stimulate your supply so much better than a pump anyway. For me I was so exhausted as it was that the added step of pumping would have put me over the edge. I would definitely have a LC see you in the hospital, though. She can help get you set up with tandem nursing and a LC if you need one at home.
Good luck.
1. I did make a birth plan that revolved around getting the babies to the breast ASAP.
2. My babies were brought to me in recovery so I could BF. I had about 4 nurses helping me, so I was able to tandem feed. I saw a LC in the hospital and had to pump after every feeding and suppliment.
3. I think having a c-section may have delayed my milk coming in. My milk didn't come in until 6 days after delivery. After my milk came in I was able to stop supplimenting. I found BF very difficult for the first 6 weeks. After that It was much better. I am still EBF.
Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!!