
IUI Question and Intro

Hello everyone!  I have been lurking for awhile and thought I would introduce myself before jumping in with questions.

 DH and I have been trying for 2 years.  We are working with our second RE (the first didn't want to monitor me on clomid so we parted ways).  We did our first IUI with 100 mg of clomid in February and had a c/p.  We just did our second IUI last Saturday and that is where I have questions.

 Last week, I had my CD13 u/s to see the measurements of my follicles and lining.  I had 3 follicles sizes 11, 11, and 13.  The nurse (mine was out of town) told me that didn't look good if I ovulated in the next two days (which I usually ovulate the 15th or 17th day regularly).  She said that I needed the follicle to be 20 or more.  She scheduled me for another u/s for CD16.  I ovulated that morning and at the u/s (had yet another nurse) I had one follicle that measured 18 left with a lining of 10.  That nurse said that was fine and we could continue our IUI the next morning. 

 At the IUI, DH's sperm count was 2.2 million and motility was 27%.  The nurse said that was low, but still continued.

 MY QUESTION:  Is this IUI probably a wash?  I know only time will tell and I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but everything I've read says you need a follicle at least 20 or more.  Not to mention the very low sperm count.  We are completely OOP, so should someone have told us not to proceed?  I have a call into my dr to talk about everything and meet with him about options.  

Re: IUI Question and Intro

  • Welcome!  I hope you are only here until you get your BFP at the end of this 2WW.  I would never say the IUI is a wash until you get a negative beta, so keep your fingers crossed. 

    Basically, you're saying that you did an IUI 24 hours after you ovulated?  It does seem a little late, but maybe you surged that morning and didn't actually ovulate until later (around 24 - 36 hours, this time is up for discussion though as lots of RE's have different times).  If that's the case, it sounds like perfect timing.  Good Luck!!

    me 33/DH 36
    ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo
    ~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~
    11 IUI’s = 1 m/c (7w4d)
    IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFN
    Surprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)
    IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762
    U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160
    Stick Frogger Stick! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!   It's a Girl, EDD April 7, 2014

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I feel for you. we were faced with one of those situations on the weekend.....continue with a less than stellar cycle or cut your losses. We cut our losses and Im beyond sad. I do believe it was for the best this time.

    As far as your decision...I do know that yes, the RE wishes the follicles to be 20 before triggering them. We triggered at 19 and a 20(tues. 5:30 am) last time.. then the IUI proceedure was the  following day after work. It was a failure but that was our RE proceedure.

    Good luck with your decision


    TTC since 2009 very frustrated 42yr and DH 40

    5 cycles of Clomid with satisfactory response=BFN's
    Fibroid removal Nov2010
    IUI Clomid #1 Feb 2011...BFN..damn it!
    IUI Inject's #2 Apr 2011...CANCELLED...low estradiol
    IUI Inject's #3 June 2011...BFN
    IUI Inject's #4 Sept2011...BFFN
    Lap Dec 2011...severe endo..cyst removed..some remains...
    IVF#1 Apr 2012 ....cancelled due to over suppression
    IVF#2 July 2012....6 follies...only 1 retrieved....BFFN
    surgery suggested to move ovary to an better placement but....we moved two time zones away and are financially and emotionally empty

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  • I wasn't even given the option to cut our losses.  I am still hoping for the best, but trying not to get my hopes up.  I'm going today to get the fertility blend for my husband.  I don't know why his numbers were low.  I think they were much higher last time....
  • I can't comment on your DH's numbers but I have never had a 20mm follie to trigger.  My first IUI:  I had a 17mm follie and b/w showed I was about to ovulate. I had to trigger that night and do the IUI 12 hrs later. My lining at trigger was a 4!  I wasn't told that and feel like it was a waste of a cycle and would never work with that thin of a lining. 

    I had my 2nd IUI yesterday(Tues).  I got a peak on my CBEFM on Monday am. Went in for a follie check. I had a 19 and 15mm follie. My b/w showed I was about to ovulate again.  I had to trigger Mon night and do the IUI 12 hrs later(not ideal). My lining was good this time. But again, the timing of the IUI hasn't worked correctly for me either. I switched RE's between the 1st and 2nd IUI and it's almost like the 2nd RE didn't believe me that I O early ( 1st IUI was done on CD11 and 2nd IUI on CD12). She said she was shocked how much my follies grew from Cd8 to Cd11. Perhaps the next cycle will work as it is supposed to. It seems like there is a learning curve for the doctor to know how your body works (even though I already knew, shared that info, I was essentially ignored until she saw it firsthand).  

    You never know if the cycle will be a bust until AF shows. I wish you luck!

    TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
    DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
    5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
    OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
    DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
    DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
    CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
    DE IVF #3 1/14  ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d

    DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
    First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!

    K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days


    SAIF/PAIF Welcome

  • My DH's numbers go up and down all the time, too.  We have tried all of the supplements and it just doesn't seem to work for us.  Good Luck with it, I hope you get your BFP from this cycle anyway.  People have become pg on much less. 

    This month I am intentionally triggering at 18 and I normally ovulate on my own at around 23, so don't give up yet!

    me 33/DH 36
    ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo
    ~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~
    11 IUI’s = 1 m/c (7w4d)
    IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFN
    Surprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)
    IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762
    U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160
    Stick Frogger Stick! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!   It's a Girl, EDD April 7, 2014

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I have triggered at 16-18 and my follies don't grow much between trigger and IUI, so I would say you're not out until you get a negative beta.  I definitely understand the feeling, though.  With IUI #1, I had a crappy response to the meds and they went forward with the IUI anyway...I always thought in the back of my mind it was just to keep my money, but I'm probably just a bitter betty.   I hope everything works out incredibly well this cycle, and welcome to the board!
    TTC since 11/09
    Two C/P and Lots of Tests
    Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
    IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
    IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!

    BabyFetus Ticker
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
  • Hi guys!!! I just wanted to share my ultrasound update: Big SmileGreat news! I have the most follicles I have had yet! This is our 2nd IUI month and 3rd drug therapy month. I have 6 total follicles...1.4, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0. I am only CD10 and am super excited that I have that many. I usually have 3 max. I am so hopeful but trying not to get my hopes up to high. Should O by the end of the weekend....Well ladies good luck and baby dust! I will pray this is all of our BFP cycles! :0)
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