I am so excited that the twins went for a weight check today and they both weigh 6lbs 11 ounces. They were born 3 pounds 3 ounces and 3 pounds 9 ounces. they have come along way. I havent been on much i have been busy with them for the past three weeks and time is limited i try to get on. I am still trying to figure out how to put pictures of them up but i am not having any luck. I think about how they would be if i went full term. Today was my due date and i am so happy that they are here and they came early they are such a joy to have. I cant wait til they start smiling and cooing.
Re: who knew twins would be alot
I brought Landry home at four lbs. and she is now almost 20 lbs...the fat rolls on her thighs are to die for!
When they are so tiny it's just amazing what two lbs difference makes!
Grow babies grow! : )