
Is Fertility Blend the recommended drug for men to get antioxidants?

I posted this as a question to the recent Fertility Blend post but thought I would start a new thread just in case it gets missed. 

An RE we saw today for a second opinion suggested DH start using antioxidants for sperm quality.  He didn't recommend a brand nor did we think to ask.. but is Fertility Blend supposed to contain everything he may need?  We went to Walgreens today and found something called FertilAid but the contents are a little different from the Fertility Blend contents so I thought I would ask to see what others have been advised..


***SAIF & PAIF Welcome***

TTC since November 2008; me - poor egg quality,hypothyroidism,missing beta 3 integrin;
DH - some MFI;

1 month clomid plus timing - BFN;
3 months clomid + IUI - BFN BFN BFN

IVF #1 Nov/Dec 2009 - BFP - c/p;
IVF #2.1 Jan 2011 - Converted to IUI - BFN;
IVF #2.2 March/April 2011 - ER 3/23/11: 12 retrieved, 8 mature, 3 fert-ET 3dt 3/26/11: 3 embies - BFN;
IVF #3 May 2011 - ER 5/19/11: 20 retrieved, 10 mature, 9 fert-ET 5dt 5/24/11 3 embies - BFN;
Switched RE's for IVF #4 (CCRM) Oct 2011 - Surprise BFP before starting IVF #4!

Re: Is Fertility Blend the recommended drug for men to get antioxidants?

  • My DH's MFI urologist specified that the following is what DH should be taking: 

     go to:

    and order: ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula



    Dx: DH - Azoo, Me - Mild PCOS
    DH - sperm found! Seems to produce only for a few days every 70 days!
    Over 1 million in cryo in 15 vials over 6 samples
    IVF #1 - 1 beautiful expanded blast transferred, 4 snowbabies - beta #1 11/30/11 = BFFN
    FET #1, transfered 2 embies 2/16/12 = BFFN; 1 snowbaby left in cryo
    IVF #2 + CGH = 4 genetically normal embies on ice. FET September 26th
    SAIF/PAIF always welcome

    a special GL and prayers to my IF sister Gregermis

    check out my blog!

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