Our twins were diagnosed with placiocephaly and torticollis. We just found out today that they are prescribing a helmet for our girl...they are now 7 months old. Does anyone have any input on Cranial Technologies vs Hanger? It looks like our insurance will cover either, so just trying to figure out which is the better route by experience. Please let me know whatever input you have on choices and general process. This is very overwhelming!
Thank you!!
Re: Plagiocephaly and Cranial vs Hanger?
We went with Cranial Tech for DS and are completely happy with the outcome and experience. He wore 3 different DOC bands. Our insurance covered either, and we chose CT for these reasons:
1) After a lot of research and reading people's opinions/posts online, I felt like the outcomes were better nationwide with CT. There are some great Hanger locations out there that specialize in helmets, but there are also some really rotten ones who don't have the experience necessary to have good results. Honestly, I was lazy and didn't feel like trying to figure out if our local Hanger was a good one or a bad one.
2) The helmet itself. The Hanger Helmet is a full coverage helmet. It is slightly thicker and heavier. Since I live in Texas and DS was helmeted during the entire summer, I liked the more open design of the DOC band.
3) The DOC band doesn't "last" as long as the Hanger Helmet in most cases. To some, this is a negative, but not to us. Since our insurance covered multiple helmets as long as you meet the measurement criteria, this didn't make much of a cost difference to us. I am actually in favor or multiple helmets, and credit them to the great correction we received. With each helmet, you get a new set of holding points that "kickstarts" the changes over again.
If you end up choosing the Austin CT, I'd recommend Wendy Mosher as your clinician. She was our clinician in Dallas and was transferred to Austin earlier this year. She has been with CT for a long time and knows her stuff. She always took time to answer my questions and gave me solid answers. She was also great with DS.
Cranial Tech.
I only have experiencce with Hanger. DS just graduated out of helmet todday and i am happy with the results. As to what pp say our hanger office does many, many plago. We had a good experience so i guess it depends on the particula office. Good luck!
We had 2 DOC Bands from Cranial Tech and were very happy with the experience and results. DOC Bands are less bulky than Hanger helmets which may be nice during the summer months. Cranial Tech only deals with infant helmets, I have heard that when going with another provider you need to get a really good recommentation on the orthotist that you will be working with. Some don't have as much experience as others so finding a good one with a lot of experience working with infants is key. Just some things to consider. Also, check our the yahoo plagio board. It is pretty active and you can find some local feedback. Good Luck!