My DS is 14 weeks - has anyone let their baby CIO this young? Any one using the "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" method by Weissbluth? I think that most of the advice says wait until 6 months, but my little guy's napping is getting worse instead of better.
Just bought a mobile - I am hoping that might work. Thoughts?
Re: 2 questions: Anybody CIO yet? Do mobiles work?
I don't let her CIO yet, but I do let her fuss it out, if that makes sense. If she's just making mad, whiny sounds I'll let her stay in her crib for a bit alone, but if she's actually crying I'll check on her.
We don't have a mobile, but her new BFF is Ceiling Fan. It doesn't really make her sleepy though... it's just something else to look at.
I would never CIO anywhere in the vicinity of this age.
If you're having nap troubles, there are plenty of other no-cry methods to improve sleep. Try this site:
Also, my LO loves her mobile, but it doesn't put her to sleep. She lays in her crib watching her mobile while I get dressed in the morning and she is a happy girl. We have found the sleep sheep very helpful for comforting at both naptime and bedtime.
No experience yet with CIO.
Our mobile is for playtime, not sleep time. She gets all excited looking at it and will happily hang out in her crib for 30+ mins talking to the animals.
My LO LOVES his mobile-it's the Fisher Price Precious Planets one. It has a projection and he watches and coo's at it.
As far as CIO, I've never let him do that. My friend just told me her 4 month olds naps were getting really bad, so she started swaddling her for naps last week and things are better.
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of him.
1 Samuel 1:27
Success with #1 after Femara + Trigger + IUI
I wouldn't say we let him CIO in the traditional sense of the werm... but once or twice when we were at our wits end and had tried everything... we let him cry for about 5-7 minutes to tire him out and when we went to rescue him( and we had a breather), he was jello and ready to sleep.