Up until now we have had the boys in footed (Zipper) PJs and swaddled. This last week, we stopped swaddling for night time so they are just in the footed PJ's. We live in AZ so it is not really cold at all, but is getting cooler in the evenings. The boys woke up around 5am and their little feet and hands were ice cold.
I guess maybe we didn't have them dressed warm enough. Tonight we will add socks, but just curious what do you dress your DC in for sleep now that it is getting cold?
Should we be doing footed sleepers plus those sleep sacks? Or maybe fleece sleepers instead of the cotton ones?
Re: Now that it's cooler, what do DC wear to bed?
We're trying to figure this out too!
Until last night they were sleeping in onesies, nothing else. Last night we knew it was FINALLY going to be cool, so we put little sweatpants, long sleeved onesies and fuzzy socks on them. Their little hands were freezing this morning, so we didn't dress them warmly enough. We don't have any really warm jammies for them, so I'm thinking that tonight we'll put them in layers.