I'll start off by saying that we use BG 3.0, 4.0 and elementals and in the past 2 weeks we have had horrible leaking because DS just pees so much. The diaper weighs a ton after I take it off him. I have to change his diaper every 1.5 hrs. I thought maybe it was happening mainly because he was going to sleep on his tummy, but last night he slept on his back.
I have been stuffing the diapers with the regular insert + newborn insert. Should I try 2 microfiber regular inserts? 1 microfiber + 1 hemp...
I don't want to resort to wool covers unless I absoluetly have to (don't have extra $$ to spend). Could I just put the wool cover over the BG during naps?
Re: Super soaker DS - Need help please!
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We use exclusively hemp in DS's bumGenius pockets and it works wonders for holding a ton of pee for longer stretches of time...no wool covers needed. I find microfiber to be useless with a heavy wetter!
Right now we use a one-size hemp insert from Blueberry diapers (they've been discontinued but JamTots makes something similar...it snaps to different size settings) along with a BabyKicks JoeyBunz insert (not the premium). It's been a great solution for us!
Thanks everyone for the responses!!
I am going to stuff his daycare diapers all sorts of ways tomorrow :-) I have a couple babykicks hemp inserts so I will stuff the diapers with those instead of the microfiber.
I also had looked into getting some of the zorb, but I have read that it can leak. And since I am already having leak issues I didn't know if I wanted to risk it.