
Dr Appointments with twins?

How often are you seen when your carrying multiples? I know by friends with a singleton go in every 4 weeks but not sure if MoM are seen more often?

I will find out Friday at my visit but I am antzy and curious what your experience was.

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Re: Dr Appointments with twins?

  • I'm seen every 4 weeks, and have an u/s at each appointment.  I've heard some others go in bi-weekly.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I went in every 4 weeks until 28 weeks and then I was seen every 2 weeks until 32 weeks and then every week until I delivered.  I saw MFM every 4 weeks with and u/s.
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    I'm seen every 4 weeks, and have an u/s at each appointment.  I've heard some others go in bi-weekly.

    This is what I was told at my first OB appointment last week. He said they do u/s instead of the doppler because it is harder to distinguish between the heartbeats. He also said I will start going every 2 weeks sometime in my late 20 weeks.


    DD born 8/24/07
    TTC #2 since 4/09
    Unexplained Secondary IF
    4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
    2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
    Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
    1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
    Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
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    TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
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  • Every 4 weeks until I reached 32 weeks, then every week.

    I got anatomy scans every month with an MFM starting at 18 weeks, and then every 2 weeks starting at 32 weeks.

    I had fluid and cervical checks every other week starting at 18 weeks with the MFM, which ended at 32 weeks.  At 32 weeks I started to go in for weekly fluid checks.   (I had mo/di twins)

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I was seen every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, then twice a week until 32 weeks, then once a week until I was induced. I had monthly u/s that started at 18 weeks.
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  • Every other week from when I was released by my RE (so 10 weeks), then every week starting at 28 weeks or sooner if there was problems.  I had ultrasounds in the hospital MFM department every 3-4 weeks or in my OB's office sooner if she couldn't get two very distinct heartbeats on the doppler.
    image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I went every four weeks (with an ultrasound every week) until 28 weeks. 28 weeks, I started every 2 weeks. 34 weeks (now) I go twice a week for NST's. 
    IVF Twins...two boys! Pregnancy Ticker
  • I think it depends on what type of twins (or higher multiples).. from what I've seen mo/di or mo/mo are monitored more frequently. I have di/di twins, we found out at the 12 week NT scan. I've had monthly dr appts, after 12wk the next u/s was at 20 weeks and we've had an u/s every month after that. Dr appts stayed monthly until 30w I started going to the dr bi weekly (still monthly ultrasounds) and then at 34wk I started going weekly (still just monthly u/s)
    Spontaneous ID Twin Girls - born 38w 2d Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Let me preface this by saying I'm not seeing a MFM or Peri.

    I see the OB every 2 weeks since I got released from the RE at 8 weeks. Since my anatomy scan at 18 weeks, I have started getting a growth scan every 4 weeks. 

    Oh, and I should mention between 18 and 24 weeks I was getting a cervix check via u/s every 2 weeks as well. 

    photo 41f1f21b-fd5b-40ab-bc31-76a13e270270_zpscf391ac9.jpg
    After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
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  • Mine might be a little skewed because of all the different things they've found along the way (placenta previa for Baby A @ 12w, low fluid for Baby B @ 18w, and discordant growth between the two @ 24w):

    9w: OB (meet & greet), 12w: OB and MFM (NT Scan), 15w: MFM (NT Scan, part 2)16w; OB and MFM (results from NT Scan and placenta check), 18w: OB and MFM (anatomy scan), 20w: MFM (low fluid check), 22w: OB (low fluid check), 23w: MFM (low fluid check),  24w: OB and MFM (low fluid and growth check). 

    Next appt: 26w: MFM (not sure if I'll see the OB yet -- I go to see her on Thursday this week, and we'll see if she wants me to come back in 2 weeks, too.) 

    My MFM said to me yesterday, "you'll never be one of those patients that I'll say 'see you in 6 weeks.'"  Too many complications...  But, at least they're watching them all! 

    Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I was seen every 2 weeks until 22 weeks then it changed to every week, sometimes twice a week if I also had the MFM.  I had an u/s at every appointment.
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  • I'm in 1st trimester and I go every 3wks...I haven't asked yet if my visits increase as I get further along.
  • I went at 8 weeks, 12, 16 weeks and then biweekly until 24 and then weekly after that, but I had problems from 16 weeks on.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I'm also not seeing an MFM or Peri.

    I saw my OB/GYN every two weeks in the first trimester with an ultrasound at every visit and an NT scan at twelve weeks.  From there he bumped me to every three weeks in my second trimester, with an anatomy/growth scan and cervical check every other visit and a regular, quick ultrasound if I wasn't getting a growth scan.  Now in the third tri, I'm going every two weeks with a growth scan every other visit and Non-Stress Tests when I'm not getting a growth scan.  I don't know when he'll bump me to weekly

  • I go every other week (through 32 weeks) and get an u/s at every visit.  At 32 weeks, we go to every week visits.  From 11 weeks (when I transferred from RE to OB) to 17 weeks, we just did heartbeat checks and measurements.  From 17-32 weeks we are doing cervical length scans every other week and growth scans every month. 
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