
facebook ethics

I've been thinking about this some.  I work in people's homes doing therapy with their kids.  Overtime you definately hear a lot of personal info.  Sometimes it's hard to keep professional boundaries when families are going through so much.  Our company recently did a policy where we are not allowed to be facebook friends with families.  I agree with this.  I was just wondering what boundaries you see important for facebook and your job?  It's a relatively new issue in the grand scheme of things...

Re: facebook ethics

  • Facebook is for my private life only. I don't add coworkers at all.
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  • I'm a photographer and refuse requests from clients to be friends. 

    I wasn't as diligent about it before, but after H's former co-worker started making passive-agressive asides to my status updates implying I should be working on her photos instead of doing whatever I'd posted about, I decided I should be able to have my private and professional lives separate. 

    When I worked in an office I was very picky about what co-workers, if any, were my friends.

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  • I have a good friend who has no FB boundaries. She's "friends" with a lot of coworkers and constantly bitches about people from work and the office in general. She also is friends with the gal in HR and her manager.

    She has been written up twice for her comments and I cringe when I see her posts about work. DH works at the same company and is in IT. He has warned her about her posts.


    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • When I was working, I had co-workers as friends, but never clients (but it wasn't an industry where that would come up, either). 

    In terms of appropriateness, I don't post things that would haunt me later in life.


  • Never a client, I reject all former students unless A) I like them and B) they have graduated high school, I won't have anyof my bosses on fb either.
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  • I have a few co-workers as friends.  I don't ever put anything on there that I wouldn't want my boss to read.
  • I'm the opposite. I joined FB for the "free" marketing. I am FB friends with almost all my clients. I upload the blog images from their sessions and tag th clients. I can't tag them unless they're friends. I do try to keep personal info to a minimum on FB, but i know my clients know a lot more about my life than I'd prefer but it's worth the trade off... All of my family is OOt so it's a bit of a balance. Still I also have a business page, which is where I post client images, but FB won't let you tag any who isn't your friend so I have to have clients as "friends" as part of my business model. I actually tell clients that if they want to friend me, I'll happily post their images online and tag them yo save them the hassle. Again, its part of my business and most fn y family and friends understand that and try to respect what I reveal (or don't say) on FB because of it.
  • I am selective about which co-workers I'm friends with but most have the same views as me and I don't worry about what they'll think or say. And, I really don't care b/c chances are I'll say it out loud at work as well.

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