I've talked to her before. Boobs are private, mine, she knows this. She knows her private areas are hers and nobody can touch without her permission.
So why the HELL is she doing this again? She's almost 5. She's constantly trying to kiss them, she cops a feel when hugging me, she'll crawl into our bed and pretend to be snuggling & grab one.
Re: DD won't leave my boobage alone
Both my weirdos are obsessed with my boobs. DD sticks her hand down my chest almost like a comfort thing, she mostly does it when she is tired or just waking up, DS used to do the same when he was a baby.
DS now is just interested in them because they are boobs and he doesn't have them- he will give me a "hug" which is really just his way to move in and rest his head on them. IDK, not a big deal to me-I do however pull him off and tell him that it is inappropriate to touch other people's private areas, and when DD sticks her hand down there, I jsut pull it immediately out.
DS has been obsessed lately, too. We'll be snuggling and he'll reach over and start petting them like a puppy. LOL
We had the privacy discussion, but when he's tired or stressed he doesn't always remember.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008