I am going crazy today and probably all week. I just found out that DD may not be a US Citizen. All the info at USCIS just confuses me more so I e-mailed them..... I have not seen this in any of our paperwork and was not aware that I needed to apply with another $600+ payout.
I did all the paperwork on our adoption with little help from anyone so it is not anyones fault if this step was in fact skipped but I just thought we were done. The adoption was finalized on 4/1/2010. Our SW in Canada was going over her files and noticed her copy of the article 23 letter was missing so I started questioning things and this came up.
UGH!!!! Did anyone else have to apply for their childs US Citizenship??
Re: UGH!
I thought this depends upon which type of visa she entered the states on?