Have I discussed this before?
Are you a NO or a MP - and what is your DH? And if you are opposite - does this effect your relationship?
My DH is a morning person - he's up for work at 3:30 - and up on the weekends about 5:30 am....which I think is absolutely crazy - but that's him. He did yardwork on sunday at 7:45 am!
It used to really get in the way of our relationship - because he thought ai was lazy and that I didn't even get out of the house til noon, and I thought I was being pushed because he'd start cleaning so early in the day - I thought I needed to get my (very tired) a$$ into gear.
Now I'm neither a NO or MP - if left to my own accord I'd sleep from 9 pm to 9 am, I'm dead serious.
Now that I've realized DH is a MP and not personally pushing me, We've agreed we are two different people - which still makes alot of problems, but after 8 years we're in a groove that works (mostly)
Re: Speaking of Bedtimes - Are you a Night Owl or Morning Person?
I am a morning person for sure and DH is more of a night owl. I get up at 4:45am for work 4 days a week and sleep in until about 6am on weekends. But... I also like to be in bed by about 8:30pm, watch tv for a bit, and fall asleep by around 9pm.
DH on the other hand rarely comes to bed before 11pm and on weekends has a hard time getting up with LO around 8am.
It used to cause some arguments, now we just accept that we are different.
We're both NO - rarely in bed before midnight. I'm up at 6am for work and with this pregnancy, I'm falling asleep before 10...
He can sleep later than me though - naturally he'll sleep in until 9am - I'm usually awake by 7:30 or 8, but then I like to nap for an hour or so right before lunch.
I have a difficult time functioning in the morning though - I have to get everything ready the night before or it's downright frustrating for me to get ready to get out the door early. choosing clothes, packing lunch, etc - all done the night before or it spells disaster!
I am, and have always been, a Night Owl. And now with pumping at 2am, I usually try to stay up until then, otherwise I sleep through my alarm and miss the session.
DH is somewhat of a NO, but having to be up early for PT puts it's restrictions on that. Since he has to be up around 5 or so, he tries to be in bed by 11.
It somewhat affects us, but we've figured out a way to make it work for us, including me going up to lay down with him for a little bit when he goes to bed, and then coming downstairs again. And he likes staying up later on weekends.
I stay up until 12 or 1am.
DH goes to bed at 8 and has to be to work at 3:30am.
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
I'm definitely a night owl! My perfect schedule is to go to bed around 2-3am and wake around 11am or noon. With my DH, it depends on the day. On weekdays, he's not a night owl since he has to be up early for work. On weekends, he is not a morning person, no matter what time he goes to bed. He tries to sleep late, if he can. And he'll sometimes stay up on weekend nights, til midnight or 1am (esp if he's playing video games).
ETA: Forgot to answer the rest. In general, it doesn't really affect us. When I was working, we went to bed and got up around the same time, on week days. On weekends, and now that I'm not working, I'm usually up later than he is. And we both sleep late.
I expect this to change a whole lot in a few weeks!
Photo by J Shelton Photography
Married 10/5/08 | 2 yrs of TTC, tests, procedures & a m/c | IVF #2 =James!
We're both night owls! If we had our choice we'd stay up until 2 or 3 am and sleep in til 11 or 12. Sigh, I miss college.
I loved working graveyards, I always felt like my brain is just "on" around midnight to 3 and I did my best.
I'm a morning person, I typcially wake at 6 or 7 no matter the day. midnight is normally my limit, but typically in bed by 11. I often will fall asleep if we watch a movie after Emily is in bed.
My husband is more of a night person, he doesn't go to bed super late (we typically go at the same time, unless he is playing xbox on the weekends.) He can sleep till noon if I let him, but often is up by 8 or 9 on the weekends because he hears us. He is up at 630 on weekdays for work.
Not really an issue, I would get house stuff done on the weekend mornings before Emily and now I get up with her if she wakes up. (her wake time varies from 630 to 830 typically) I love having a hour or two to myself in the mornings.