I want to get my 4.5 yo a leapster for car trips, etc. But little sis wants everything she has. Would it be crazy to get her one, too, just so they won't fight over it? Aren't there like e-books and things she could play with? We've never played with one, so I don't really know. I just don't want to hear the screams in the car b/c she doesn't have one.
I'm open to suggestions!
Re: Dumb to get 2yo leapster?
B got the Leapster2 for his 4th birthday, then N stole it every time he put it down (she was 2y5m). I then bought her the original Leapster for about $15 (after coupons, etc) and a game. She didn't get it at all. She's now (about 3.5) starting to get it, but not like Ben, still. One of the grandmas got her a scribble & write Leapfrog toy, and she likes that much better. It's still electronic, just not as complicated.
ETA: maybe Look at the Fisher-Price iXL - I think it has e-reader stuff and a drawing/coloring app, maybe it would be a little better.
She has the tag jr, and likes it, but her sister's tag is always more of a novelty to her, even though she doesn't understand it. She has her sister's old scribble and write as well. She will play with them but I can just see her screaming for the leapster.
She just wants the exact same of everything! It is getting difficult for me.
I know some might say let her scream, but it sucks for everyone around if she does, esp on a car trip, and I know #1 would love a leapster