Two Under 2

Did anyone get pregnant while nursing?

If you did get pregnant while did you know when to take a pregnancy test if your period never returned?  Sorry I wasn't sure which board to ask this on.   Please direct me to the right board if this isn't the best place to find an answer :) 

I'm just wondering since I could possibly be joining you all here... 

Re: Did anyone get pregnant while nursing?

  • If you're getting pregnancy symptoms now, you should be able to test tomorrow morning with FMU and get an accurate result.

    Good luck and I hope you get the answer you're looking for.

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  • I was EBF but had one PP AF before I got pregnant so I knew to test because nothing had showed up that month.  They suggest when you are EBF to take a test monthly if you haven't had a PP AF.
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  • I don't get AF on my own normally, but I also have relatively symptom-free pregnancies (at least in 1st tri), so I just test on the first of the month if I'm not pg or actively TTC. I'm terrified to end up on "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" lol
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  • yes, i did, but i had also already gotten AF.
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • Yes, I did. I had my AF though. It came back at 6.5 months PP with both girls. I knew I was PG because I was late.
    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • I did. I didn't get AF either. DD was 6.5 months when I got pregnant. It was really weird, I was grocery shopping one day and I REALLY wanted juice. I had to buy some at checkout. I'm totally not a juice person. The next day I was at Target and the juice craving came on again! I bought a pregnancy test on my way out and sure enough I was pregnant, about 4 weeks.

    Mama to 4 kids: girl 2009, boy 2010, girl 2012, boy 2014

  • My cycles returned a little before we started solids, but I continued BF. I could acknowledge O each cycle and knew when to test. We TTC while I was still nursing and were successful two months in a row (first was a chemical pg). I continued nursing until 19 weeks.
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  • I was breastfeeding but AF had returned.  I had two periods before BFP about 50 or so days apart.
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  • I was EBF and had no period. I also didn't have any symptoms other than being tired, but what woman with a 5 1/2 month old isn't tired? I took a pregnancy test to just convince myself it was totally normal not to have a period while BF.

    It was positive.

    I freaked.

    I am doing much better now, but it is tough being pregnant with such a little one.  I figure in two years, if I still have hair, it will be great!

    If I'm bald then I get a really nice wig!

    :)  Sometimes you just gotta roll with it! Good luck either way!

    image Momma to Ms. C age 16 months and Mr. C age 3 months!
  • I did and never got my cycle back.  This pregnancy was a wonderful surprise!  I tested because we were heading home for Thanksgiving where there's a lot of wine and nightly cocktails.  I didn't think I was pregnant but because I my cycles never returned I thought why not go ahead and just test.  Turned positive in about two seconds.  Three tests later I was finally a believer.  We actually had to do a dating ultrasound to determine the due date because I couldn't go off the date of my last cycle. 

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  • I did, but I had 1 PP AF.  DS was conceived the next month, before I got a 2nd AF.


    ETA:  I knew to test because I was having pretty painful lower back spasms.  I was actually going to call my doctor to make an appt to see what was up, and thought to take a test first, since I assumed they'd ask if I was PG or could be PG.  I was taking the test just so I could tell them I wasn't...haha...didn't expect the "Pregnant" result!!

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  • Yes.  I had already had 2 periods when we conceived LO #2.  If you think you might be expecting, taking a pregnancy test would, if nothing else, clear up any doubts.  Best wishes!
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  • Yes. LO was 4 months and I never had a PP. I was EBF. I started having nausea, vivid dreams, nipple soreness.
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  • umm hi, that was me.

    i was 7 mo PP and no AF .... I was still nursing.  I was feeling terrible for a few weeks and i thought "humm somethings wrong" sure enough took a test and went to doc and i was already 2 months PG!!  looking back i guess i started feeling the symptoms around 4wks PG

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  • yes I did. I had on AF and I didn't find out until I was a full 16 weeks without any symptoms at all. I only took a test because my mom said she thought I was pregnant and other weird stuff like I got something in the mail from gerber about the second trimester and at the time DD was sleeping with me and she started sleeping on my belly.

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  • Me. I just found out tonight that we are expecting #2. AF hadn't returned yet. Today I was feeling really nauseous and exhausted. I had some tests on hand and I felt crazy for even taking one. Glad I did though. I would just take a test if you are wondering. Good luck on getting the answer you want! 
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