New York Babies

Day Care


 I work with pregnant and parenting teens in foster care and am trying to put together information for them regarding what to look for when they are searching for day cares for their babies.  Do any of you ladies have advice that you would be willing to share with my young women?  I'm looking more specifically for questions to ask their potential day care provider and things they should (and should not) see in the day care itself.  Any help will be appreciated! 

BFP #1 on 10/2/11 - Bambishka's EDD 6/5/12, Blighted Ovum, D&C on 11/9/11
BFP #2 on 2/10/12 - Little Nugget's EDD 10/23/12, Natural Miscarriage on 2/29/12
BFP #3 on 6/7/12 - BB's EDD 2/19/13, arrived 2/18/13! <3<BR> Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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