Baby Names

Almost Gave the Worst Shower Gift Ever

DH's friends are having a boy and they've chosen the name Holden. I remember loving Catcher in the Rye in high school and I thought I remembered the narrator introducing himself in the first paragraph. I thought a neat "extra" gift (on top of the purchase from her registry) would be to mat and frame the first page of the book for his nursery. Whoops. Instead of something sweet like "My name is Holden Caulfield and this is where my story begins..." it was completely negative. He refers to his lousy childhood, touchy parents, prostitutes and his crumby hometown. He swears left and right and has nothing good to say. No wonder I loved it when I was 17.

I went with the Boppy, an extra cover and a glass bottle set. Close call.

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Re: Almost Gave the Worst Shower Gift Ever

  • lol, I'm glad you caught that before it was too late :)
  • Haha, that is a close call! I think you might have gotten it confused with Moby ***. You know, "Call me Ishmael...."
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  • Hahaha! Good call. :)
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  • Ha! I still vaguely remember that it starts something like "if you want to know about my childhood and all that crap" (or something close). Yeah, not words I would want framed on my child's wall. Although it would be beat the opening line to Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar" (another favorite of mine from the same time period that I loved Catcher in the The Rye): "It was the summer that the Rosenbergs were executed."
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  • imageanna7602:
    Although it would be beat the opening line to Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar" (another favorite of mine from the same time period that I loved Catcher in the The Rye): "It was the summer that the Rosenbergs were executed."

    **laughs** I can't even imagine framing that on a child's wall, though I really love that book.   

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  • Close call :) Glad you caught that! Too funny!


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  • imagealliejo725:
    Haha, that is a close call! I think you might have gotten it confused with Moby ***. You know, "Call me Ishmael...."
    I'll bet you're right. That may have gotten blurred in my head. And I love that TB edited Moby Diick. Wink
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***
  • imageanna7602:
    Ha! I still vaguely remember that it starts something like "if you want to know about my childhood and all that crap" (or something close). Yeah, not words I would want framed on my child's wall. Although it would be beat the opening line to Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar" (another favorite of mine from the same time period that I loved Catcher in the The Rye): "It was the summer that the Rosenbergs were executed."
    Yeah, that's the opening line. I think it screams nursery chic. No? Wink
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers ***This space reserved for photo of new squish***
  • Oh my! Good thing you caught that :P
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