Hi Ladies,
My name is Lauren and I'm 30 years old. I was recently referred to an RE after having a second miscarriage. I have been a little less active on the bump lately, as I was having a hard time after the second loss. Just recently I've felt ready to start reading/lurking and posting again.
I am scheduled to have the HSG test this week and would love to hear any advice, tips or just general thoughts on what to expect. I think hearing actual experiences will help me feel better prepared!
Re: Intro & A Question about the HSG Test
I am sorry to hear about your losses
We are working on an HSG description to make as a sticky for the T-TTC board, I thought it might be useful to post it for you (good luck!):
The HSG (hysterosalpingogram) is an x-ray ofthe uterus and the fallopian tubes that gets taken to find out if there are any blockages and/or if the uterus has a normal shape. ?It should be scheduled between CD 5 and 10, after AF and before ovulation. Call your insurance to see if they cover it before you schedule, since the costs canvary quite a bit. In a recent poll on 3T the prices ranged from $450 to $1500. ?? About an hour before your appointment youshould take some painkillers to reduce the pain/cramps/discomfort during andafter the HSG. Most women take 800 mg of Ibuprofen. The appointment will lastanywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. The dye is put through a thin tube (catheter) that is put through the vagina into the uterus, from where it will flow intothe fallopian tubes. Some women are able to watch on a monitor while the HSG isdone, but it is not always the case. The results are sometimes given right afterward, sometimes it takes a couple of days. ? Take a pad to the appointment to catch anyleakage, the dye will come out at some point! ?? Some find this procedure very painful (especially when tubes are blocked), some have AF like cramping, and others don?t have any discomfort. It is different for everybody. Cramping and light spotting is common for a few days after the procedure. However, if it?ssomething that concerns you call your doctor.Two C/P and Lots of Tests
Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
SAIF Always Welcome
TTC #1 since Fall 2008
High FSH, Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome
Unsuccessful with my OE, moving to DE + DS
DE + DS IVF #1: Dec 2012 - BFP, nothing at first u/s
DE + DS IVF #3: 7/12/13 - BFP! Finally! No heartbeat at 7w1d.
I think everyones HSG is different. I heard all kinds of stories before mine... "its not bad at all" ... or "it was terrible."
I just had mine done on April 1st, and everything came back fine. And to be completely honest... it was one of the most painful things I have ever done. I took 800MG of Ibuprofene before I went, and it didn't help... to this day I still am having mild cramping and spotting.
But don't let this worry you too much, like I said, it seems everyone has their own experience. I am a baby about pain, I think a normal Pap hurts !
don't worry too much, it's all worth it in the end !
Good luck to you !
(12-2011) 5MG Femara (CD 3-7) w/ Repronex (CD 8-16) HCG trigger (CD 17) = BFP!!
Due Sept 7th 2012
I'm sorry for your loss. I think the sticky covers most of the information about the HSG. I would recommend taking the 800 mg of ibuprofen as the test can be painful. Different labs will recommend differing amounts, including none at all. For me it was much quicker than expected; while it hurt, the owwie part was about 90 seconds or so - very fast. Someone else posted about AF being more intense the first time after the HSG, that was my experience as well (although nothing insane, just slightly more cramping than usual.)