I am SO over the ammonia and staining issues we are having. We used RnG almost exclusively (save for a box of Tiny Bubbles that I reallocated to baby laundry when I didn't like how the dipes were turning out) but we were still having ammonia issues. I bought Funk Rock and it seemed to help a little, but if I used it according to direction (all the time), I'd go broke.
We have samples of Charlie's Soap - which so far I love, and Allen's Naturally, which I haven't tried yet. I also picked up a big box of original tide and I'm really tempted to just go with that. But I like that Charlie's and Allen's are both better environmentally and don't have dyes, etc.
Regardless of which I switch to (and I'm open to suggestion), do I need to prep or strip before going to the next detergent? And if so....how? Dawn? I've done that before. I just hate stripping diapers - in an HE machine it takes SO many washes and SO much water!!! Ugh.
TIA ladies!
Re: Switching Detergents - do I need to do anything in between?
I don't think it is necessary if you are just switching detergent in general, but if you have ammonia or build-up then I would do a strip to just start fresh. There are so many options of how to strip. I read that multiple hot washes can be a way of stripping with out using dawn and thought that might be a little easier.
I started with clean diapers from the old detergent I was using and did two heavy hot wash/cold rinse cycles w/no spin and extra water and no detergent or dawn.
Then I did one heavy hot wash/cold rinse w/extra water and extra rinse with 1oz of CS(which is my normal wash for dirty diaps). Dried/lined dried as usual.
I think I might have had a little stink issue which I think was caused by the Ecos so I probably could have gotten away with just switching detergent, but I wanted to start from scratch.
So far it seemed to work very well!