
arching back fits?

Hi ladies

DD has started to have little fits where she arches her back and basically flails out of control. Yesterday she did it so quickly she hit her head on the couch where I was sitting (I was holding her, but didn't expect her to go back so far so fast).  Last night she would have completely bailed and hit her head on the hardwood floor if I hadn't caught her.

I don't want to get in the habit of picking her up when she does this (meaning, I don't want her to associate having a fit with a way to get mommy to pick me up) but I obviously don't want her to get hurt either.

Any tips?  Did your kids do this?




Re: arching back fits?

  • My buys aren't doing htis yet, but my nephew did around the same age. My sister would just ignore him (as long as he was safe) and tell him that when he was done she would talk to him about it. He keep doing it for awhile, and then stopped. GL!
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