February 2011 Moms


So my Dh came home tonight and surprised me with the angelcare monitor! I am so excited and feel much better about transitioning DS into the nursery with this monitor. I have been very nervous about him going into the crib, but think it is finally time tonight. He STTN and we keep waking him by either my Dh or our dogs making too much noise in the morning. Hopefully now we will be able to talk in louder than a whisper in our room!
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Re: Angelcare

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    I love the Angelcare Monitor when she actually sleeps in her crib. She has been in her own room but in her rock n play. I keep trying her crib but it is hit or miss - but the monitor is awesome when she is in there. 

     Good luck with yours!! 

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    I have this monitor as well! I wanted a video monitor because my friend has one and I thought it was really cool. Then my cousin told me about the angelcare one and got that instead! Have yet to use it..but I hope it works well!
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    I love our Angelcare monitor!  I really think it has been helping me to sleep better at night.  My boys have been in their separate cribs for about a month now!
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    I love our Angelcare too!  Just make sure you get a plywood board before you start to use it.  I didn't realize you needed that until I was halfway through the instructions, so maybe send DH out for that today so you are ready.

    The first night in his crib I kept the tick feature turned on.  That got old by 4am so now we just use the visual tick.  I feel so much better knowing he's okay.

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    My Dh did catch the part about the plywood- which we did not have just laying around, so he used a piece of thick cardboard. I'm guessing it fulfills the same purpose of giving the sensor a flat support instead of sitting on the springs, right? We haven't gotten any false alarms, so if we don't think we will just stick with that instead of buying the plywood. Anyway, DS slept like a champ in there- 10 hours long, it was me who was up half the night watching the pendulum on the handset or standing outside his door. I think we just officially transitioned him into the nursery. Aaaaand sadness ensues.
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