Ok, so S2 is 5m 1w old. Gestation-ally, since he's my 37 weeker, he's 4m 2w old. He wants food. He's staring at us when we eat, he's grabbed my plate and shoved his hand in it now twice, and he wants that spoon. NOW at daycare, they're saying that the 20oz that he drinks between 8am and 6pm is not enough and he's been asking for more. He also nurses 3-4x at home in addition to that. I can't really make more. Yes, I can go into my emergency stash to get that extra BM, or I can give him a bottle of formula, but is this the right thing to do? Should I just go solids?
I just feel that he's too young for solids, and I was really hoping to hold out until he was 6m old. Especially since he was born early. Yes, he's giving me the signs of readiness, but I'm not ready.
I don't know what pains me more. Depleting my emergency stash, or doing solids a month ahead of schedule. WWYD?
Re: Moving onto solids early. WWYD?
kiddos are on their own schedule, I say if he wants solids go for it.
H has never done anything to schedule and the growing up-ness of it all is what's really hard.
I say go for the solids! If he likes them and has no problem digesting them then you are good to go. If has any problems at all you can go back to dipping into your freezer stash to supplement.
I totally understand your hesitation because we waited until 6 months with DD and I honestly will feel just like you if the coming babe wants solids earlier. So when I ask the same question next year you can remind me of this post
DS was showing all the same signs - literally begging at the table, staring at our food and us eating... we started solids around 4mo. I figured, at that point, they're consuming so little of it, and it takes forever to introduce each food - by the time you're up to a few items of significant volume they're already at 6mo!!
"Oh come on Gromit, a bit more, you know... alluring!!"
DS showed the same signs of readiness at 4 months and Pedi gave the ok to start cereal. I had planned to wait until 6 months for solid food.
I started with oatmeal as rice is constipating and he was already a once a week pooper. He hated it, didn't get it at all, and we stopped after the first attempt. We tried again later with moderately more success.
I'd say it doesn't hurt much to try it, and if he doesn't take to it, you can go back. Nothing says you can't change course along the way.
As for the breastmilk, is it possible he's showing signs of other stuff (being tired, wanting cuddles, etc) and they interpret that as a want for food? I know you've done this before and know all the perils from nursing moms of caregivers who use milk to please a baby who wants/needs something else but it never hurts to have it thrown out there just in case.
Good luck!
38 weeks is considered full term, so if you want to correct his age, it is only by one week.
I started at 4.5 months. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. If he seems ready then I would go for it. It may cause changes in his stool, as you know but just go real slow.
Another vote for trying it slow, seeing how it goes. If it doesn't go well the first week you can back off and try again in 3 weeks when he's full 6 months.
We saw DD was ready for it at 4 months. It improved her sleeping and crankiness drastically. As with everything, some kids are just ready for it earlier, some kids need to wait.