We want to get the boys used to cereal so I try rice cereal once a day. Do you have a suggestion as to which feeding we should add this to? Also, do you scale back a bit on formula/bm and then feed?
And, I read somewhere I should use seperate spoons for the boys. Great in theory but a real PITA in reality. Do you do this?
Re: starting cereal - I have ?s
I started with cereal after their morning feed as well. I 'heard' that if you introduce food in the am you have all day to see if they get a rash or have a bad reaction to it, opposed to night time where they would go to sleep and you couldn't monitor their reaction. That said, I know a ton of people who intro food at night (dinner) and have been fine;)
We use the same spoon.
My kids had rice cereal and then oatmeal for the first two weeks of solids and were so not into it, when we gave them veggies and fruit they were much more interested!
Our intro schedule was breakfast, dinner and then lunch. So now they have solids 3xs a day (at 9 months).
Have fun and take pictures. Their faces are too cute with that first bite!