
Walking on toes...anyone else?

I have been reading up on the fact that my DD loves to walk on her toes!  It is mostly when she gets excited or starts exploring around the house.  But everyone notices so I know that I am not crazy. She is right on target for all of her development milestones.  So whats up?

Re: Walking on toes...anyone else?

  • Not sure...I think it's pretty normal for toddlers.  Jett's bestie does it all the time too! 
  • My DD did the same thing at that exact age.  It didn't last all that long--maybe 4-6 weeks.  Then she moved on to walking backwards everywhere she went.  Now her thing is "sneaking"

    I think most kids go through that phase and it changes as soon as they learn a new skill.

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  • My cousin did that from the time he started walking until age 2 1/2- 3 1/2 yrs old.  He is 13 and still does it sometimes.  He is a perfectly normal, athletic, intelligent boy.  Nothing wrong w/ him.  I wouldn't worry about it.
  • Some kids do.  I did!  I still can't stand to have my hands or feet dirty (I don't go barefoot, ever) and I think that was probably part of it.
  • My DD likes to walk around on her toes some too. I think it is cute and its just something she does. I wouldn't be worried about it.
  • My son does it and the Dr. said to put shoes on them and or push them down when they do it.  It does something to the nerves under the foot.


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