I had my 1 hours glucose test yesterday, and I didn't pass. My sugar was 148 and it needed to be 140. I have scheduled the 3 hour test for next week. Does anyone have any advice on how to pass this one?
Did you do the drink or coke/candy bar? I was talking to my ob at my last visit and she said there are way more fails with the coke/candy bar versus the drink because it's too much sugar.
I didnt pass my one hour test either and passed the 3 hour w/ no problem at all. As a matter of fact I didn't even have to stay for the last hour because at the end of the 2nd hour, I was already below the level I needed to be at the end of the 3rd. Hope that makes sense.
I didn't do anything different except the amount of time that I hadn't eaten or drank anything besides water was much longer. I scheduled the test for 9 am, and I hadn't eaten since I went to bed the night before...around 11 pm.
I had to drink the drink. I wondered if the fact that I ate baby shower cake the day before might have hurt me. We had a shower at work and I knew I shouldn't eat it, but I couldn't resist. I took the 1hr test in the afternoon, and I am taking the 3 hr. test at 8am so I think that may be better. I just really don't want to be on a restricted diet!
I just had my 1 hour and passed. I havent had a 3 hour ..but for your 1 hour did they have you fast? I wasnt told anything so i didnt fast.. but i didnt eat anything sugary the night b4 (my appt was 3pm the next day) and the morning of I ate eggs ( i was trying to pack on the protein)...I guess what im saying is if the 3hr is like the 1 hr as far as what to eat then maybe just try to eat loads of protein foods the day b4 if you have a morning appt.
I passed the 1-hour easily with pregnancy #1 {which is ironic since I ate cupcakes everyday AND had some health issues with PIH that developed later on too}. But with this pregnancy I failed my 1hr. At my OB's practice, the cutoff was 130 and I scored a 135. BUT I took the 3-hour test and passed.
Honestly, you'll want to know if you have gestational diabetes so if you do something to try and sway the results you could in turn harm your health and your LO's. It's highly likely that you'll pass the 3-hour anyway. Statistics are in your favor!
Just a word of warning- it's not fun sitting there for 3 hours, I was terribly bored and the sugar drink made me nauseous. I'd recommend taking lots of magazines and/or a book or something to keep you occupied during the time. I brought a tumbler of water to lightly sip on because I was starving {they may or may not let you drink water, they want accurate test results}. Also, make sure to ask them about your fasting instructions beforehand---there are similar tests administered differently at each clinic and you'll want to follow your specific instructions. For both my 1-hr and my 3-hr, I was told to fast from midnight until after the test- my tests were given as soon as the lab opened though because they didn't want to make a pregnant lady go too long without food.
And they didn't tell me this beforehand either, but apparently if you're driving yourself home/back to work, then you'll want to bring a snack or something to munch on after the test, but before you get in the car because your blood sugar will be very low from fasting and you don't want to pass out.
I passed the 3 hr test! They didn't have me fast for my 1hr test and let me just say that glucola is way worse on an empty stomach. I thought I was going to be sick!
Re: Glucose Test
Did you do the drink or coke/candy bar? I was talking to my ob at my last visit and she said there are way more fails with the coke/candy bar versus the drink because it's too much sugar.
Good luck on your 3 hour!
I didnt pass my one hour test either and passed the 3 hour w/ no problem at all. As a matter of fact I didn't even have to stay for the last hour because at the end of the 2nd hour, I was already below the level I needed to be at the end of the 3rd. Hope that makes sense.
I didn't do anything different except the amount of time that I hadn't eaten or drank anything besides water was much longer. I scheduled the test for 9 am, and I hadn't eaten since I went to bed the night before...around 11 pm.
I passed the 1-hour easily with pregnancy #1 {which is ironic since I ate cupcakes everyday AND had some health issues with PIH that developed later on too}. But with this pregnancy I failed my 1hr. At my OB's practice, the cutoff was 130 and I scored a 135. BUT I took the 3-hour test and passed.
Honestly, you'll want to know if you have gestational diabetes so if you do something to try and sway the results you could in turn harm your health and your LO's. It's highly likely that you'll pass the 3-hour anyway. Statistics are in your favor!
Just a word of warning- it's not fun sitting there for 3 hours, I was terribly bored and the sugar drink made me nauseous. I'd recommend taking lots of magazines and/or a book or something to keep you occupied during the time. I brought a tumbler of water to lightly sip on because I was starving {they may or may not let you drink water, they want accurate test results}. Also, make sure to ask them about your fasting instructions beforehand---there are similar tests administered differently at each clinic and you'll want to follow your specific instructions. For both my 1-hr and my 3-hr, I was told to fast from midnight until after the test- my tests were given as soon as the lab opened though because they didn't want to make a pregnant lady go too long without food.
And they didn't tell me this beforehand either, but apparently if you're driving yourself home/back to work, then you'll want to bring a snack or something to munch on after the test, but before you get in the car because your blood sugar will be very low from fasting and you don't want to pass out.
The Baby Blog.