
Has your DC ever done this? I'm not sure what this is

DS started complaining yesterday that his leg hurt and was "tired."  He was still walking on it, though, and jumping around all over the place.  He complained a bit more last night, but I let it be to see what would happen this morning.  Well, he woke up crying and won't put any weight on the leg.  He says the "whole leg hurts" and won't specify a particular spot that bugs him.

Wouldn't a broken bone show some localized pain?  I don't think it's growing pains.  I just got him an appointment with his dr at 12:30 today, but wondered if anyone has experience with this. 

L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage

Re: Has your DC ever done this? I'm not sure what this is

  • Growth pains? 

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  • I had broken my foot in 3 places a few years ago and was still able to walk on it. Which I did for 3 weeks until I couldn't stand to limp any more. lol I went to the ER and they x-rayed and it showed 3 breaks which were re-healing.

    Poor kid. Let us know how it goes.

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My DS did that when he was about 2. We took him to the doc and she said to just watch him. It got better after about a week, I don't know what caused it. It Is also a common reaction to the MMR vaccine.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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