if you had a singleton 1st, and twin pregnancy second, did you find your twin pregnancy significantly different than your first - even early on? I am pregnant again and have been sick from week 4, infinitely more tired (though I do now have an almost 3 yr old), and gosh darn this heartburn that started at 6 weeks is killing me. My mother is convinced of twins because of my ridiculously pregnant looking belly (yes - i know it is bloating, but it is crazy...and doesn't really go down overnight )My maternal grandmother was a fraternal twin, and had fraternal twins so there is a genetic link too. 6 days to ultrasound, but I'm just curious what ladies who have lived it experienced in their early days...
Re: likely a pretty faq, but...
Everyone is different but I have to say my current pg (singleton) has been much worse m/s-wise than with my twins. I didn't have any m/s with my DDs and yet I've been battling queasiness & fatigue pretty much this entire pg with #3.
U/s is the only way to tell if you're in fact pg with twins or not. Either way, congrats on your pg and best of luck.
Nope, I felt pretty much the same way as I did with my singleton. I didn't really show again until 16-18 weeks. No morning sickness. I was more tired, but this time around I was chasing after a 3 year old. I didn't have time to just sit around after work to relax.
Hope you get what you want
Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.
yes and no
w/ my 1st I was very sick w/ m/s throughout the whole pregnancy
w/ my twins I was sick earlier (6 weeks) but it only lasted until 14-16 weeks
I think you need to keep in mind you have a 3 year old to chase and that makes things more tricky (you can't just stop and take a nap when you want to). Good luck!