
likely a pretty faq, but...

if you had a singleton 1st, and twin pregnancy second, did you find your twin pregnancy significantly different than your first - even early on? I am pregnant again and have been sick from week 4, infinitely more tired (though I do now have an almost 3 yr old), and gosh darn this heartburn that started at 6 weeks is killing me. My mother is convinced of twins because of my ridiculously pregnant looking belly (yes - i know it is bloating, but it is crazy...and doesn't really go down overnight :( )My maternal grandmother was a fraternal twin, and had fraternal twins so there is a genetic link too. 6 days to ultrasound, but I'm just curious what ladies who have lived it experienced in their early days...


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Re: likely a pretty faq, but...

  • Everyone is different but I have to say my current pg (singleton) has been much worse m/s-wise than with my twins. I didn't have any m/s with my DDs and yet I've been battling queasiness & fatigue pretty much this entire pg with #3.

    U/s is the only way to tell if you're in fact pg with twins or not. Either way, congrats on your pg and best of luck.


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  • I had little to no m/s with my 1st and was pretty sick with this pregnancy.  I was also way more tired in the first tri, but that could also be that I had a 2 year old to chase around after working all day. I started showing super early, but attributed to the fact that it was my 2nd pregnancy. I was in complete shock when I found out it was twins! Good luck at your ultrasound!
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  • Nope, I felt exactly the same from the day I peed on a stick.  No morning sickness, no sore boobs, just tired and peeing a lot - both pregnancies.  Didn't have a clue that I had two in there until my first ultrasound at 11 weeks.  Now at 20 weeks, I'm definitely bigger than I was at this point the last time.  Other than the size of my tummy, everything's pretty much the same... so far!
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  • Nope, I felt pretty much the same way as I did with my singleton. I didn't really show again until 16-18 weeks. No morning sickness. I was more tired, but this time around I was chasing after a 3 year old. I didn't have time to just sit around after work to relax.

    Hope you get what you want :)

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  • yes and no

    w/ my 1st I was very sick w/ m/s throughout the whole pregnancy

    w/ my twins I was sick earlier (6 weeks) but it only lasted until 14-16 weeks 

    I think you need to keep in mind you have a 3 year old to chase and that makes things more tricky (you can't just stop and take a nap when you want to). Good luck!

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