Cloth Diapering

Newborns, diaper counts, and CDs

I've read that it can be difficult to tell when a CD is wet, and you just change them frequently. I'm all for that...I'm also creeped out by how many pees a sposie can take.

The problem I've thought of is how do you count the wet diapers in the early days? The only thing I can think of is putting some toilet paper in there.

Has anyone done this? But, then I'm worried about getting wet TP off of microfiber, and what happens to it (if you don't get it all off) in the wash, like if you've ever washed a tissue that was in a pocket. You have a huge papery, linty mess all over everything in the load. Hmm...

Mama to sunshine baby "J" 5.13.11 and angel baby "E" born still on 2.11.14
TTC our rainbow since April '14


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