is a place for any of you who are experiencing the world of
azoospermia. Whether you were recently diagnosed and are trying to make
sense of it all, or you have started preparing for IVF or IUI, or have
decided instead to move on to adoption. Please join in the group by
posting! Check in is on Thursdays. Learning
that the chances of having a biological child with your husband are
slim to none is not easy, and is, frankly, devastating news. This check
in is a place where we can share how we are coping (or not) with our
new realities, provide information we've learned through investigating
our options, adjusting our lifelong dreams and plans, and dealing with
the situation. I'd
like to extend an invitation to those who have been fortunate enough to
experience pregnancy, childbirth, and/or adoption. Ultimately, all of
us desire to create a family. The experiences and insight of those who
have reached that goal will be quite helpful to those of us on that
road. AZOO SUCCESS STORIES! (Whether through IUI/IVF or Adoption) AimeeL85DX: NOABaby Ryan born 12/31/2010Craschi:BFP after d-IUI#2 on 10/08/09Baby Ethan born 6/4/10 at 38 weeks 4 days DejavuBaby Boy Landon born 3/17/09!!Started cycling Baby #2 - IVF #1 - BFP!!!! Congrats!!!!Email efhoping2010DX: Azoospermia due to CBAVD ?Plan: BFP 9/17/09 AFTER IVF/ISCI#1 ~ Boy/Girl Twins were born on 4/27/10 at 35 weeks 5 daysErin&MikeDX: 7/08UPDATE from 2/4/10 - According to Worms, Erin and Mike have adopted a Baby Boy! goldengirl16Baby Girl born 11/2009Started cycling Baby #2 - IUI#1 - BFP!!! Congrats!!!! KayJayDeeDX: azoospermia 9/07BFP 2/17/09 after D-IUI #2Baby Boy London Born 10/30/09 Kirs10nBryceMom to ?Sopapilla?Presently pregnant w/DC#2Lem10585Mom to a little girl born Sept 2010Congrats!!!! Mnj1125Mom to Gavin, born 1/07, and Alyssa & Brady, born 8/08If anyone has any questions for me about anything azoo related, they can contact me at newsbabyDX: Non-obstructive AzoospermiaBFP after IVF #4Mom to Anthony and Grace born 12/13/10PrincessShay80Mom to a precious baby girl through foster care. Hoping to adopt her.Congrats!!!! SarahkellyBFP after D-IVI#1Mom to Sadie - Born 8/1/08Feel free to email Sarahkelly at to discuss donor, emotional stuff etc. SeaSoulDX: Azoospermia 2/07 attributed to childhood cancerBFP after D-IUI#1Mom to Callum Spencer, born 12/13/08TTC #2 - Waiting for news on donor vials s.s.girlDX: MFI- AzoospermiaBFP after D-IUI # 2Mom to Eli and Emerson ? Born 5/8/09 at 32 w1d TripMommaDX: AzoospermiaBFP after IUI#6Mom to Triplets! Xander Dominic, Hayden Cheyenne & Lily Isabella Wanting1!DX: Azoospermia due to Cancer at age 18Sperm detected in 2007BFP Sept 2008 ? TWINS! WhiteysWifeyBFP after D-IUI #3 ? Due Date 10/24/09Team Pink! Baby Avelyn Margaret Born 11/01/09 Starting TTC #2 ZoogsterDx June 2007- Azoospermiai due to CBAVD and undescendede testicles fixed at age 7BFP after DIUI#2 Feb 2008 Mom to Baby Abby on 10/29/08TTC#2 - D-IUI #1 BFP!!!! Congrats!! ~~~BIG FAT POSITIVES~or~INITIATING ADOPTION PROCESS~~~ ch_brideDX: Azoo Sept 09Plan: BFP on 6/26/10 after IVF#2 w/ICSI donor sperm DejavuBaby Boy Landon born 3/17/09!!Started cycling Baby #2 - IVF #1 - BFP!!!! Congrats!!!!Email dejavu10806@yahoo.comFabulousMrsPDX: LPD 11/09; low testosterone 3/09; azoospermia 6/09Plan: IUI - BFP!!!! Congrats!!!!!FiregirlD-IUI #3 in October - BFNPlan: D-IUI#4 = BFP! goldengirl16Baby Girl born 11/2009Started cycling Baby #2 - IUI#1 - BFP!!! Congrats!!!! HantzweddingDX azoo 8/3/09Plan: BFP after IVF#1w/ICSI JennyLbrideDx: AzoospermiaBFP on 10/2/08 - TWINS!!! k827DX: Azoospermia - 9/08Plan: FET in September - in 2ww beta 9/20 - BFP!!!!!KDC1014DX: Unexplained AzoospermiaPlan: IUI #4 - Triplets!!! kfbnydx: 5/08Plan: BFP after D-IUI#2!KISSIESDX: recent S/A result was zero. Plan: IVF#2 - BFP!!!!!!! Congrats Kissies!KuleamaDx: Testicular Cancer Survivor -Plan: IVF #1 - BFP!!!!! Congrats!mieslDX: DH has cystic fibrosis/CBAVD. miesl is a carrier.Plan: D-IUI #2 ? BFP!!!! Twins!!!! EDD 5-12-11 Mrs.gogetDX 10/08Plan: Close to selecting an adoption agency!Congratulations and Good Luck, mrs.goget! Mrs.KiltlifterPlan: IUI#6 w/injectibles = BFP!! TWINS!!! MrsNolanDX: 7/08BFP 3/25/09 MrsVickiTTC since June 08Recent Azoo DXPlan: IVF w/ICSI. ET 5/13/10 - BFP!!!!!!!! NicoleeBonsaiDx: Azoospermia May 2010 - DH carrier of Goshay's DiseasePlan: IVF #2 - BFP!!! Congrats!Omega20DX: Obstructive AzoospermiaSperm detected during first TESE, but IVF failed.Plan: IVF #2 w/fresh TESE - BFP!!!! TWINS!!! September06DX: Azoospermia in 2008 due to chromosomal abnormalityBFP 8/17/09 after IVF#1!!! Shan&Kev77DX: Unexplained Azoospermia 4/2/09Plan: BFP!!!! 5/13/09 Shanna&RickyDX: Azoo 6/08BFP approx 11/18/08SkyBeeDX: AzoospermiaPlan: D-IUI #8 - EDD 9/29/11SLPmelDX: Severe MFIPlan: D-IUI #3 - BFP!!! Congrats!!!Yellow_DaisyDX: azoo in 5/07Plan: IVF #1 - EDD 7/6/10ZoogsterDx June 2007- Azoospermia due to CBAVD and undescendede testicles fixed at age 7BFP after DIUI#2 Feb 2008 Mom to Baby Abby on 10/29/08TTC#2 - D-IUI #1 BFP!!!! Congrats!! MEMBERS ACTIVELY UNDERGOING IUI/IVF OR ADOPTION::::BABY DUST FOR ALL:::: angela2004DX: zero spermPlan: IUI #4 - in 2wwbbakersgirl75DX: AzooPlan: IVF #2 - on BCPs, 2nd SCSA in 2 weeksCeeMonkey DX: Azoospermia and High FSHPlan: D-IUI #3 - waiting to startgervaisj6DX: Azoo Plan: Starting D-IUI #2 - in AprilgidgePlan: Waiting for WTFHitchedinInDx: Azoo 10/08, reconfirmed 3/09Plan: Possible D-IUI #6?MJM579DX: AzoospermiaPlan: D-IUI #1 - beta #1 10/29NHgal10DX: Zero Sperm 12/09Plan: D-IUI #1 - in progress SeaSoulDX: Azoospermia 2/07 attributed to childhood cancerBFP after D-IUI#1Mom to Callum Spencer, born 12/13/08TTC #2 - Waiting for news on donor vialsTete17 DX: AzoospermiaPlan: Starting IVF #1ThewormsDX: MFI NOAPlan: FET officially underwayThundercat DX: AzoospermiaPlan: D-IUI #2 - in April waiting for beta to get to 0WhiteysWifeyBFP after D-IUI #3 ? Due Date 10/24/09Team Pink!Baby Avelyn Margaret Born 11/01/09Starting TTC #2 - On break till Dec 2010 MEMBERS IN THE PLANNING/TESTING STAGE alclements Dx: AzoospermiaPlan: Biopsy was a success!! Congrats!!!!!!!2nd surgery scheduled for April 30thAmbie0611DX: AzooPlan: Seeing new doc, having additional testing and seeing a UroAmiesDx: 2/08 - azoospermia + pcos and blocked left tubePlan: IUI w/donor sperm 2/09 amy1004DX: 3rd SA revealed 12 sperm, 11 non motile, 1 perfect sperm!!!!Plan: DH had repeat SAann679 DX: DH has cystic fibrosis and SA showed zero spermPlan: IVF w/ICSI; Scheduling biopsy and getting 2nd opinionAngela17sDX: SA showed no spermPlan: Doc suggested biopsy?aq32 DX: AzooPlan: Getting 2nd opinion Bluefluff DX: AzoospermiaPlan: IVF w/ICSI possible TESECallMeAl DX: AzoospermiaPlan: Uro appt 11/8/10cheryl1972 DX: Severe MFIPlan: Moving forward with IVF in JulyJodesta - Welcome!DX: Azoo<span style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial;background-color:transparent;font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;t
TTC since 8/2004
Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
Update: We didn't get to do the SA last week. FIL had a heart attack and was in the hospital. We called the RE on the way to hospital to cancel. FIL is ok but has to have a follow up procedure to put a fourth stint in. DH is worried and I am sure that this is going to set us back. Who knows what the next SA would show and how his stress affected it? Grrr.
QOTW: I have been very lucky to have good family vacations or at least I can't remember if they were bad. However, one time we went camping at a nearby race track for a 24 hour race that my dad loved to watch. During part of the day while we were away from our camper, our cooler was stolen. It sucked but there were plenty of concession stands to buy food so everything worked out ok.
Update: AF finally showed so D-IUI #2 (2nd try) is underway (hopefully)! I went in for CD3 b/w & u/s on Monday and go in tomorrow morning for a follie check.
QOTW: The worst vacay ever was when I was really little. I barely remember it. Basically, my parents had all the bad luck you can get - car broke down, so they borrowed a neighbor's car. My mom got a speeding ticket and then was detained for outstanding warrants for unpaid parking tickets or something. We were going camping at a lake with my aunt & uncle & cousins and showed up after dark. My dad had a wooden boat that had to sit in the water for 24 hours before using so the wood could swell and so he got it in the water and then we all went to sleep. He woke up in the middle of the night because he heard the pump in the boat go out and it was sinking! Then it rained the rest of the week. Thank goodness I barely remember it, but for the rest of my family, it is a very memorable trip!
YD: that sounds like the WORST rental ever!
SAIF Always Welcome
TTC #1 since Fall 2008
High FSH, Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome
Unsuccessful with my OE, moving to DE + DS
DE + DS IVF #1: Dec 2012 - BFP, nothing at first u/s
DE + DS IVF #3: 7/12/13 - BFP! Finally! No heartbeat at 7w1d.
Update: We had our WTF appt yesterday. I'm pretty much ok with how it went. Basically she thinks it has just been bad luck so far. All the u/s's have looked good, as has the blood work. She was going to recommend an HSG just DH reminded her we had one in the States. Granted, that was nearly two years ago now. But she said I didn't need it again then, which was fine with me! We discussed purchasing more samples, but told her why that wouldn't work for us. She briefly discussed IVF (if we were to go on and still have failed cycles). I was able to hold back my giggles when she said "we take the egg and sperm and put it in our warm cupboard". We're so grateful she speaks excellent English, but things come out a little funny still. So I'll be trying a new thyroid medication. For the past several months I've had a rash on the inside of my elbow, within a day or two of stopping the thyroid med it was nearly completely gone! So anyway, when we're ready we'll do a final d-iui cycle with the same protocol we've had. No, it has not worked in the past, but I have been producing a proper sized follicles. I may be MIA for a while and go back to only lurking, not that I posted much other than the updates. Even if I'm not posting I'm cheering for everyone!
QOTW: wow, nothing as bad as yours YD! I can't really think of any bad ones. We stayed in some yucky hotels when we were little, but I probably didn't realize it at the time. The most memorably bad part of family trips was that my parents always had the same argument as we were leaving town.
Update: I had my babies on 3/28! They're still in the NICU, but doing really well. They just need to learn how to eat for all meals instead of being lazy and having tube feeds.
Q: Most of my family vacations have been great - so other than the one trip where I got completely sunburned - I can't think of a bad one!
Congrats! I hope you get to bring your little ones home very soon!
Congrats on the birth of your babies! Hope you get to bring them home soon!