Baby Names

Baby Branding

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***

Keep it Natural, Baby!

Re: Baby Branding

  • Naming agencies! Wow. I guess if you have money to throw around...
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    Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
    Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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  • I was hoping this post wasn't about using a hot piece of iron. Thank goodness!
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  • I guess the pregnant in heels lady just doesn't have the time to check TB? Probably could have saved her some time and $$.
    TTC #2: My chart
  • imagefishybride82:
    They have a committee of people naming their child and the best they can come up with is Bowen?? Probably could have done better on their own. 

    There were several committees and none of them recommended Bowen. That was their pick after all the drama.

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  • imagefishybride82:
    ah, I understand now.  Seems like it was a big waste of money. 

    Yes, it was a huge waste of money. When anyone said something good about one of their name options, they thought that that person must be smart. Then when that same person said something negative about another name, they would say "these just aren't our type of people".

    Then when they threw a dinner party for their friends (who are obviously "their type of people"), they still didn't take anything they said into account.

    It really makes me wonder if what we are doing here is a complete waste of time. If the people who ask us for help are anything like these parents, our opinions are only valuable if they match up with theirs.


    SIDE NOTE: Despite their name choice, I completely agree with their basic ideas about using a name to help one's brand. A person's name really is the first chance they have to make a good impression. And of course, some people are looking for a different type of brand than others.

    I have an athletic friend that married an athletic man. They recently named their son Ryder, because they felt it sounded like an athletic name. My friend may not realize it, but she was participating in this whole "baby branding" idea. And I agree that Ryder sounds just like a future football player's name. He may not turn out to have coordination, or he may not have any desire to play sports. But he will have the perfect "brand name" when/if he makes it to the college and/or pro level someday.

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