

My son is a little over 3 months chronologically and close to 8 weeks adjusted.  He has recently started to drool A LOT.  Sometimes he looks like he is foaming at the mouth with all the bubbles.  It's clear so I don't think it is spit up and he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.  I asked the pedi and he said that while Wyatt may not start to teeth for a couple of months it is possible that he is starting the cycle.  Anyone else's preemie start to drool long before the teething began?

Re: Drooling?

  • The same thing is happening to DS. I have not asked the ped about it. I will be interested in what other people say about it.
  • DS's developmental therapist said that DS would probably start drooling in the next month or so because he will start learning to mouth more and moving his tongue side-to-side instead of just back and forth.  The side-to-side action is in preparation for eating solids.  She said people frequently think it's teething, and it might be, but that it's probably the change in the tongue action and using his mouth in new ways.
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  • Thank you, the tongue thing actually makes a lot of sense.  He has started pushing his tongue in and out all the time.  While not side to side it is still new tongue movement I guess!
  • I am in the same boat...all the sudden he is Sir Drools a lot!?
  • Well, first I noticed the as soon as I put Marino on Zantac, he started drooling. But, he definately has started drooling a lot more in the past couple weeks, and I know he isn't teething (he is only 1 month adjusted age).
  • DD has been drooling since about 3 months and hasnt stopped!!  and STILL no teeth!  we have to keep a bib on her at all times or else we'd be changing her clothes 10 times a day.

    she was born at 32 weeks.

  • I just noticed DD drooling today for the first time.  Bubbles started last week.  The tongue idea (PP) makes sense to me.  She's just past 3 months adjusted.
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