Two Under 2

Rudest Comment

OK, I know we've all heard one or two so just for laughs... what was the rudest comment someone said to you about having two under two:

Mine: A "friend" of mine offered me a safety pin and asked me if I needed it because the zipper of my pants must be broken....

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Lilypie - (HKbp)Lilypie - (WKbt)
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Re: Rudest Comment

  • DS was born in I was VERY pregnant during Xmas shopping. I took DD along one day b/c I had no choice and she threw a temper tantrum on the floor and I let her b/c I'm not giving in to her...a lady came up to me and said "and you're gonna have another one? can you handle another one?"...LOL

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  • From the guy here to give us an estimate on trapping squirrels in our attic and repairing the damage: "You're going to have another one ALREADY??"

    Yeah, we didn't go with him lol

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  • My kids are current 3, 2, and 8 months. 

    When I was holding my 5 day old baby at a restaurant and a lady said, you have 3 and are pregnant AGAIN!

    Since my hubby had already walked off with the other two I made sure to tell her "I just delivered, you DUMB ASS! but dont worry, we are not on public aid"

    Her jaw dropped.

  • I was at the grocery store picking up a few things. The woman noticed the belly and me holding a baby, and asked when I was due/how far apart they will be. She responds "oh, you're NEVER going to be able to afford 2 in diapers!" Yes, I'm sure from my purchase of hummus, chips and some cereal you can distinguish what we can afford/cant afford. LOL
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  • I try to take everything people say to me with a grain of salt. I try not to remember any of the rude comments. (I do/did get the usual, "You must have your hands full??" And the, "Wow, you are already having another one??")

    But I do try and remember the positive ones. I remember on my first day home alone with two I had to go to Target. I found those early days really hard. We had just paid for our stuff and my older one was fussing about something and my younger one starting wailing. As I was standing there about to burst into tears a woman with two kids (I want to say they were about 8 and 9) said to me, "Don't worry, it may be hard now but it will get better. Having my kids that close together was the best thing I could have done. Just hang in there and I promise it will get fun." That was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. And she was soooo right, it has got so much better! I love it now, and I know it is just going to keep getting better.

  • imageMr.&MrsS:

    I try to take everything people say to me with a grain of salt. I try not to remember any of the rude comments. (I do/did get the usual, "You must have your hands full??" And the, "Wow, you are already having another one??")

    But I do try and remember the positive ones. I remember on my first day home alone with two I had to go to Target. I found those early days really hard. We had just paid for our stuff and my older one was fussing about something and my younger one starting wailing. As I was standing there about to burst into tears a woman with two kids (I want to say they were about 8 and 9) said to me, "Don't worry, it may be hard now but it will get better. Having my kids that close together was the best thing I could have done. Just hang in there and I promise it will get fun." That was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. And she was soooo right, it has got so much better! I love it now, and I know it is just going to keep getting better.

    I love seeing older 2u2 pairs! I was having one of those days too, and a mom asked me how old they far apart my duo was and mentioned her kids had the same gap between them as well. Her kids had to be about 5/6, were a boy/girl pair like mine and they were walking holding hands and giggling to each other. My heart melted.

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  • I'm not really showing yet, so I haven't gotten any rude comments, but when my sister was pregnant with her fourth and had a five year old, four year old and two year old, some man in the grocery store said to her four year old, "Tell your mommy it's not in the water." Of course, my nephew had no idea what he was talking about, but my sister heard it. I couldn't believe it!
  • "You have that 'glazed over, trying to stay afloat' look."

    Gee, thanks.... Why yes, I did get a half-night's sleep....and even found the energy to scrape oatmeal off the floor this morning, thanks for asking.

    When hearing "you sure have your hands full" I usually agree, but once I responded with something clever I read somewhere on the Bump. Someone made a comment once that hands are "better full than empty." The woman I said it to was a bit surprised I said it, but agreed with me and said that was a great way of looking at it.

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  • imagemaramarrie:

    "You have that 'glazed over, trying to stay afloat' look."

    Gee, thanks.... Why yes, I did get a half-night's sleep....and even found the energy to scrape oatmeal off the floor this morning, thanks for asking.

    When hearing "you sure have your hands full" I usually agree, but once I responded with something clever I read somewhere on the Bump. Someone made a comment once that hands are "better full than empty." The woman I said it to was a bit surprised I said it, but agreed with me and said that was a great way of looking at it.

    I love this comment :)

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    Lilypie - (HKbp)Lilypie - (WKbt)
     Lilypie - (2DqE)  Lilypie - (1KYE)
    Lilypie - (RlhZ)Lilypie - (1CAm)
  • When DH called his mom (she lives in Belgium) to tell her Baby #2 was on the way, she told us not to have any more than 3. I guess it's not rude per se, but why couldn't a simple "congratulations" suffice? Oh and BTW, the woman never had to raise more than one child, so what does she know?
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